online pearl conference


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
jewellerynet asia

This is a link to an online pearl conference with some, big, big names.

Sign up is required, but free and they will send a code.

Anyone know anything? Is this the first such event?
Thanks Caitlin - just signed up looks like interesting, first I've heard of this.
Thanks Caitlin. I just signed up for this too. Should be very interesting. This must be the conference Mr Wan was refering to in the "Pearl Talks" interview.
Does this require a web cam? Can we submit questions ahead of time? I guess I'll use the email contact to find out the answers.
So disappointed to have missed this--the email and link for the conference wasn't sent until 1:30am this morning, shortly before the conference was to start and it was over when I got up at 5:15. Perhaps those who caught it will be kind enough to report, thanks in advance!
It was devoted to big saltwater pearls and since Indonesia wasn't represented it was almost entirely focused on Australian South Seas and Tahitians. The main issues were the decline in prices following the economic crisis and the cutbacks in production by the major farms. Competition from CFWs and treated lower quality South Seas and Tahitians was also noted as a cause of lower prices. Very generally speaking, everything is about 40 percent down.
Main suggestions for improvement: demands for full disclosure of treatments, certification, a new strong world trade organization. The main hope voiced was that the lower prices and the CFWs will greatly increase the market and that when the economic situation improves, these consumers will go for higher quality pearls.
One of the comments on the retail market was the level of knowledge of salespeople is very poor everyplace, but when personnel are educated, sale prices are significantly higher.
Finally, big bead-nucleated gonad-grown Chinese FWs are coming on the market. Up to 15 mm diameter and 2-3 mm nacre per radius with mostly good surface. As far as I understood, they are branded "Ming Pearls." No more info now, but there should be a report in the literature in a couple of weeks.
(reported by my Eli, because most of the time I was at the dentist)
Thanks for the summary. Somehow I did not get the email.
I slept through the conference. 3 am is not the best time for us on the Pacific!

The large beaded pearls have been branded Edison Pearls by Grace this year. I haven't heard them referred to as "Ming" pearls before.
I slept through it too. I hope they rebroadcast it.

Meanwhile, thank you Nora and My Eli <winks> for the good reporting. I could almost hear the attitude that was brought to the table. I really enjoyed the upbeat atmosphere, suggestions, and big picture your short summary indicated.

I hope to see more of this kind of thing. Did anyone Facebook it? I hardly ever go over there anymore- I just forget to, but I like the pearl circles thing that is happening!
Yea Grace pearl definitely coined the large bead nucleated freshwaters Edison pearls at the HK show. I thought that the moderator/organizer was just ok. I would have liked for their to have been more back and forth conversation between the guests and the three farmers. I think that we could have got more info if Andy and Jacque were free to have more dialogue etc. It seems like a really cool idea though.
"Ming" pearls refers to the Chinese "Kasumi" pearls - not the big Edisons. That part was weird. HH talked about the gonad-grown kasumi imitations and their hammered or wrinkled surface qualities, which are not the big threat. No one clarified that, although I think the big players all know exactly who to fear. The only Chinese players invited to the table were big retailers who almost exclusively sell salt water pearls. No freshwater growers need apply....

Man, am I tired!
OK, timing for the conference was perfect in Aus - 8pm - but still I wandered in and out of it - just too much else happening in the household!
Nora - the GSS trade was well and truly represented by Jacques Branellac from Jewelmer. The Filipino farms are definitely the commercial centre of GSS, although they are obviously grown in Indonesia as well.

Well and truly missing was any true representation of the freshwater industry - as GG mentioned above. It is a shame that all we hear from the South Sea/Tahitian growers is that they are a threat. Wouldn't it be so much better if the CFWP growers were included in fora like these? They aren't going to go away anytime soon, and with all the respect in the world, the continued dismissal (and, to my observation, relative ignorance) of the FW industry by the SS heavyweights does no one any favours.

I agree with the comments re the moderators - however great to see JNA organizing the event, and it was great to be able to have 'access' to these great pearl minds!
As Nerida wrote, they only related to CFWs as either a threat or a way to grow the market for their own products. They also somewhat dissed online purchasing, saying that while it may be the future, today it's only for pearl newbies.
They did talk about Golden South Seas, but I found it a bit weird that they couldn't agree as to whether GSS were 50 or 75 percent of the Chinese mainland market (small difference).
However, one must remember that this was a conference of the high-end producers primarily for the very wealthy Chinese and SE Asia market. (Sort of like Rolls Royce and Daimler Benz discussing automobiles in 1920 and ignoring Henry Ford.)

Nora's Eli
The comments make it sound more interesting. I'm starting to wish I had stayed up (or got up) to tune in.

They are spot on about the education part. But that is changing fast, in my opinion. Consumers are becoming more and more educated, so sellers of pearls have no choice but to become more educated. This is in large part thanks to the Internet.

Not only was the freshwater pearl industry not represented, but from looking at the line up, it seems that the akoya industry wasn't represented either. Andy M?ller is a great choice from Japan (I personally am a fan), but his business is mainly in Tahitians.

They also somewhat dissed online purchasing, saying that while it may be the future, today it's only for pearl newbies.

I bet De Beers says the same thing about Blue Nile, lol. It's easy to diss threats one doesn't really understand.