omar pearls

hayley williams

New Member
Aug 16, 2010

ive had a box of pearls for many years... and just wandered if they were worth anything , i saw woman on the forum page asking about OMAR pearls so jus wandered if you could help me , as i dont know the first thing about them.. the box is a mucky mustardy colour oval in shape and a cream satin inside with OMAR (simulation) pearls made in england, and on the back of the clasp is etched 'made in england' and you can jus make out a number.. havnt got it with me at the moment to tell you what it is.. hope this helps and hope you can help me too. many thanks Hayley
Hi Hayley,

Would you be able to post some photos for us to have a better look?
hi yes i can post some pictures tomorow.. and no sorry i dont know the story behind them i was given them but no story with them ..
thank you pearlescence.. ive just had a quick look at the ebay item to which your refering to and mine are on a double line of pearls and different box but it maybe gives me a good clue as to thier value.. thank you