Oh My God! Pp Monthly!!

Thanks everyone for support in my happy embarassment.
I feel much better now ;)

Ivona, I am glad that I am not alone with the idea of a rope with deliciously big fat pearls!

They are shiny, but not quite shiny like round akoya, FW exotic/freshadama and my Tahitian strands.QUOTE]

Cathy, I just compared mine. Surprisingly, my baroques are more shiny than Akoya rounds, and if you add the richness of colours, they have a lot more character. Maybe I was lucky to get the fattest ones of the mall :p

But still - what a shame about a total loss of a willpower...


I am thinking there will be other chances at gorgeous Vietnam akoyas and also these lovely silver blues----

I hope so too :)

DK :)


They are shiny, but not quite shiny like round akoya, FW exotic/freshadama and my Tahitian strands.QUOTE]

Cathy, I just compared mine. Surprisingly, my baroques are more shiny than Akoya rounds, and if you add the richness of colours, they have a lot more character. Maybe I was lucky to get the fattest ones of the mall :p


Hi Olga,

I just took them out in brighter daylight (pics were taken on a really cloudy day and I was sick as a dog that week) and looked at them again. LOL. You are right! They have great luster, just as comparable to my other akoya, FW, and especially Tahitian strands.

I showed them to my husband this morning for the first time (he's been out of town for 2 weeks); and he said they are just as shiny as my other pearls, even shinier than some strands. I think he has really developed a great instinct in pearl selection now, much better than me. I used to joke that he is color-blind and has no fashion sense when it comes to matching clothes color (you should have seen the outfits he chose for my daughter when he took her to daycare in the morning). Now, he recognizes various Tahitian overtones immediately. I am talking about him making an instant remark that my Tahitian strand has some aqua overtone pearls instead of peacock or green as soon as I opened and held up a strand from the PP box. Yes, he is a Tahitian pearl lover too. :D
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Yes, he is a Tahitian pearl lover too. :D

Oh dear, just hope he does not develop a liking to wear strands, or a love for the exotics, otherwise you may as well kiss your shopping budget good-bye :D

I showed them to my husband this morning for the first time (he's been out of town for 2 weeks); and he said they are just as shiny as my other pearls, even shinier than some strands. I think he has really developed a great instinct in pearl selection now, much better than me. I used to joke that he is color-blind and has no fashion sense when it comes to matching clothes color (you should have seen the outfits he chose for my daughter when he took her to daycare in the morning). Now, he recognizes various Tahitian overtones immediately. I am talking about him making an instant remark that my Tahitian strand has some aqua overtone pearls instead of peacock or green as soon as I opened and held up a strand from the PP box. Yes, he is a Tahitian pearl lover too. :D

Cathy, training does wonders! My husband has also developed some understanding of fashion and style in pearls after a couple of years being forced to comment on them. Although I also think he is colour-blind: he is still not able to see overtones or anything, still could not see the blue and pink on Akoyas even after I dragged him to the bathroom where the halogeen lamps are extremely helpful. But he is quite good in giving a really good advice about what looks trendy, what not - well, after all, he is a former jazzman, there is some natural feeling of swing there...;)
Here in Miami Beach, a clandestine (somewhat unfocused) shot of my wife's 9.0/9.5mms in the Florida sunshine.

Hope it's approved soon!

Wow, Steve, this looks really great on your wife! My compliments!
I hope that when we get more sunshoine in our wet country, it will be the same powerful effect as with your necklace!

Wow, Steve, this looks really great on your wife! My compliments!
I hope that when we get more sunshoine in our wet country, it will be the same powerful effect as with your necklace!


I agree completely. She looks terrific and so do the pearls. ;)
Hi Steve,
Her strand is lovely and so large. You did really well. I think it looks better than the PP photo. As a matter of fact, all the PG members' strands look really nice.
Everyone - those are fabulous pearls. Like DK, I could kick myself for not getting a strand. (even though financially - still the right thing) I am so glad you all shared your photos. The neck shots are stunning. Enjoy them.
Hi Steve,
Her strand is lovely and so large. You did really well.
Thanks for the comments! My wife just saw her image and agrees that the pearls look very nice?and that yes, I did well!
These are what I got from the Feb. PP special ...... they are 8-8.5mm and I love them so much......


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they are beautiful !
I still did not receive mine... ordered Feb 5th, shipping advice is saying that they were put "in the mail" one week later.... still no mailman at me door.... this waiting is killing me..... :confused:
Wow !
Lovely pearls, allsaint.
Thanks for the photos. and welcome to the forum.....:)
These are what I got from the Feb. PP special ...... they are 8-8.5mm and I love them so much......
Welcome to the forum?Fantastic photos, great pearls?nothing to fear from the penny!
Good Heavens !
I just looked back through all the previous posts (last time I looked the photos. weren't there).
Wow ! to all of you - your pearls and photos. are gorgeous.

Steve, the larger pearls are fabulous on your wife.
Boo, I love the sapphires and the pendant on yours....
I give up!!!

I give up!!!

I must say you are all the worst (best) enablers. I kept my self-control for over two weeks, ever since Callire's first post, patting myself all the while on my back for saving my pocketbook.

Then... the photos kept coming. Raj's photos had my trigger finger twitching, Jiazzi and Waimeamomi's neck shots put me over the edge, and Olga/Olmander had me wishing for my own 36" strand, even though I am a choker girl.

So I cried uncle and called Mia at PP. I was all ready to shell out for one of the then two remaining 9.0 - 9.5 mm necklaces, the only ones left. One was really baroque and the other with the rounder pearls was more silver than blue... Neither was quite right but I just couldn't stand the thought of missing out on the deal/beauty.

Just then Mia told me about two strands being returned - both deeper blue, in the (more affordable) 8.5 - 9.0 range. I went into the show room (I live right around the corner from PP) saw the 9.0- 9.5 silver rounds and the two 8.5 - 9.0 necklaces. HOLY SMOKES!!!! Boo's descriptions were so poetic and on target:

They are shiny swirling pools of molten moonbows. They are the seeds that you would plant to grow kaleidoscopes. They are comets and lightning and alpenglow mixed together and distilled down into perfect droplets.

The slightly smaller pearls had so much more character and orient - flashes of blues, purples, pinks and green, that they actually don't appear significantly smaller than the 9.0 - 9.5 silver strand. At first glance, my immediate gut impression was that I was looking at pearl-y aurora borealis beads. Then the Akoya "ball-bearing" shine hits, overlaid by a sheen of rainbow colors. Just amazing.

Thank goodness (I think) that the two 8.5 - 9.0 strands were not good color matches with each other, otherwise I would have followed in Olga's footsteps and made a 36". At least I did not go overboard with spending.

So - ummm - I must thank all of you, even if my pocketbook does not.
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allsaint and ghperiwinkle, good for you, and welcome! Let the pearly fun begin... ;)

And ghp - you went straight to the PP showroom -- woo hoo!
Thanks, GemGeek! Actually I have lurked for several years, and have learned so much from all of the Senior Pearl-Guide.com Pearl Experts. Thank you for generously sharing your knowleage and passion for pearls with us.

I am very lucky that I live within a 5 minute walk to the PP Showroom and can pick out necklaces based on my priorities (luster/orient over roundness or size in the same range). Mia, Kirsten, Elia and the team at PP are the best, and so gracious.