Ocean acidification

Pearls and coral are both calcium based and they are basic rather than acid. A pearl would be affected by constant acidity- like Cleopatra's famous dinner, only not that fast
Hi Ramona,

I think the damage will be suffered by the shell rather than the pearl wich is protected by gonad tissue.

Probably before the water?s pH of the whole ocean changes much worse effects will come from FANS and other uncontrollable microorganisms due to water temperature rise.

(My first post, jajaja)
Thank you Caitlin.

That?s the way we use in Chile for "laugh", a less demure laugh, jajaja (and again).
Alwasy something new to learn about. Welcome to the forum, Tango.
Welcome to the forum, Tango.
I have to ask...do you Tango?
There is a thread about pearly people & dance, you might have some fun there too. It seems quite a few people here have dance in common as well as pearls.
Thanks Jeremy. It appears pearl farmers would provide a good early warning system for climate change.