Now that I know these are not pearls, does anyone know WHAT they are?


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
Showing my lack of knowledge here, but be kind, I'm a true novice. Getting quite an education here however.
These belonged to my great aunt; a woman who prided herself in owning only quality things. Though there's no clasp, the beads are separated by individual knots, so thought just maybe they were SOME sort of pearl. Now that I know differently, does anyone know if they are anything but glass made to look like pearls? Please?


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Oooooh, I have some of those! Mine are totally round though. I've never confirmed it, but I think they're genuine shell beads, cut from the Mississippi shells that are harvested to make the nuclei for pearls like South Seas, Akoya and some freshwater pearls. Am I correct so far, Mikeyy? Please correct any mistakes, ok?

By "genuine" I mean they aren't made from pearl dust manufactured into a bead. These shells are cut into strips, then squares of different sizes from the strips, then shaped on a grinding machine.

There's a video on utube that shows the steps. It's great! I don't have access to the title of the video just now. Anybody?
could they be?

could they be?

been jumpin' around the net and came across some fascinating articles about cave pearls and how they're formed. think these may be polished cave pearls? what'd you think?
Don't know if my last post went thru - new to this. Apologize if you're reading this again...........but could these be cave pearls?
Hi Dianne and welcome,

Think Lisa is correct, these are mother of pearl beads, cut from shell, but not necessarily from Mississippi shell, although they could be. They just need to be restrung with a clasp. Probably could use a little bath in mild soap, too. A great pearly look for summer!
Welcome Dianne,
Very interesting shape on your vintage mother of pearl beads! Enjoy :)
Thanks ALL
Almost glad to hear this 'cause there's been much concern about vandalism to the unique formations that produce the cave pearls. May even be illegal to sell them in some countries.
But think I've been to every major cave in the world now. Some brave hearts have posted truly awesome shots of the beauty down there. Nature never ceases to amaze!
Now back to the splendor of the sea pearl .......... thanks again
I've never heard of cave pearls. Is there one best article to read about them?
Hi Lisa

here's a couple with good photos


and "cave pearls" googled turns up many more brief articles and great cave photos - spent 3 hours being drawn into one after the other, before I came to my senses and went to bed!
Those are not cave pearls, they are Mother of Pearl or MoP. You can google the term and choose images and see thousands of MoP pieces. You will soon recognize what they are.
Oh Caitlin
I know these aren't cave pearls.
I believe the first response from Lisa as to what these are. Definitely gonna' go to MOP now .... thanks for the advice.
lovely Mother of Pearl (and such a great name)

don't see them much now :(

hope you enjoy them :)
Thanks for the link, Dianne and the caution about how one can fall into cave pearls for hours! ;-). It's good to be forewarned!

Mornin', Caitlin!
The best part of waking up,
pearls and coffee in your cup
Aaawwwwwww, shucks (:o:o;)).... Too kind!

I actually don't make much noise before coffee, unless groaning and knocking into things on the way to coffee counts.?.

Imagine the quiet of morning, coffee by the pool at ruckus, Sarah doing her laps... Whoa! Talk about stream of consciousness! From warbling to Ruckus! All roads lead to Ruckus ;)