Hi, thanks for reading and for any help in advance. I know nothing about pearls at all, and with my first child due any day now I am strapped for cash and selling anything I have had sitting around for months with no intent to use/wear. I received these pearls (a necklace and a bracelet, all pearls are the same size on both the bracelet and necklace) from my grandmother (who lives in another state that I see rarely) for Christmas/to wear at my dad's wedding. I was told nothing of the pearls, I am almost certain they are not a family heirloom, and for a while sat them down thinking they were fake. I recently started reading at home tests to do to be more certain they were fake, and some tests have left me puzzled. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, they are not perfectly round, they are strung on a white string type, with knots between each pearl, which I read is often a sign of the real thing. Both me and my husband have done the tooth test compared to an oval glass marble, and both agreed with the tooth test and rubbing one pearl on another that they are indeed gritty feeling with both. They are also cold to the touch with they have been sitting without being handled, but do warm in your hands after many seconds, and if it is warmer in our house, like today. The clasp doesn't give me much info, however is interesting in the way it works. It has engraved on one side of the clasp 3 W's linked together, and on the other side, simply "CHINA." I also have misplaced the boxes (I suffer badly from pregnancy brain.) They have been hanging on my jewelry rack in my bathroom for me to wonder about everyday, taunting me with what they may be worth. I remember the box to be plain and simple, possibly re-boxed by my grandmother to conceal price? Any help would be appreciated, just looking for a ballpark guesstimate on what they may be worth or some more info. Also where might be a good place to sell local for some quick cash? Thanks again.