nice Tahitian strands


Jul 21, 2010
Came across these 9-12 mm nice high luster muliti-color strands. Like them a lot. From the Gambier atolls in Tahiti
Pattye, I just got them in and considering to buy them, my market is mostly Northern Europe, but I stay most of the time of the year in Bangkok, because I found out that moist nice strands are already sold before the Fairs start, so that is better for me than running around on Fairs and seing traders snatching strands and loose pearls out of each others hands hahahaha. But they can be mailed anywhere. The pearls in these strands cam out of a lot of 7 kan = 7ooo momme (1 momme is 3,75 grams) rom Rikitea, Tahiti.
They are lovely, nice choice! I love the shapes as well as the colours.
oh there are some beauties on your website, cees! want me some purplely akoyas! :)

and oh my goodness, these are gorgeous! (and make my eyeballs hurt thinking about the sorting required)
I've seen someone wearing something like this in real life - have dreamt about it ever since!

- Karin
juliebeth - Those ombre strands are exquisite! Those will definitely be in my dreams too!!!
What is your site for? Is it business-to-business, or retail? (Had a quick look, couldn't see prices etc, but might have missed something).
Amanda, the photo's are mostly for reference, strands are made to customers specifications. As stock moves sometimes fast it is not easy to deliver as harvests of pearls come in and go out. So only deliver to customers specs mostly.
Katran, I have a stock but if a customer is interested in a particular type and size I send photo's and details of what is available at this moment. Some strands carry pearls which take time to collect to complete a strand. I have now a white South Sea pearl strand in stock with pearls from 17 - 20.2 mm from Australia. Those you do not see everyday.
