Newbie: To Ebay or Not to Ebay!!!


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
Hello All,

I have spent a bit of time looking at these. The question is does this sound too good to be true? Are they real? I have a stand and earrings (Both Ayoka), I am think the markings are correct. But I had enough friends tell me stories about taking their Fake Channels and LVs to flagship stores and they store "experts" were not able to tell the difference!!!

This set sounds like a dream:

Which I emailed him about and he said is South Sea.

The seller looks well rated, but I am concerned that he/she doesn't allow you to see who won his/her bids and under reviews doesn't link to what different bidders bought.

Plus he/she does seem like they have a bit of a collection. Is it appropriate to ask him/her how they came to have that many?

Hope other pearl appreciators can shed some light.

Thanks, and I think I found my new favourite website :)
The paperwork and clasps do seem to be in order. I don't think the seller is completely without concern, however.

1. Two items are listed as Mikimoto Hematite -

I don't recall Mikimoto ever selling hematite. Does anyone here have any information that might corroborate that claim?

2. One of the only negative feedbacks states that fake Mikimoto pearls were delivered

3. Several of the items claimed to be certified AA+ Mikimoto pearls, yet AA+ isn't a grade Mikimoto uses.

4. One "vintage estate" triple strand of pearls is not vintage. The clasp might be, but the pearls aren't.

Things might be ok, but I would use caution and be sure to use a form of payment that will protect you.
The clasp on the Miki does not look right to me. I have been told, and can confirm also by looking at mine, that the real "clamshell" trademark on the clasp is actually not uniform on both sides, the left groove is supposed to be a tiny bit wider than the right. The fake marks are uniform on both sides. Read this somewhere a long time ago in an aritcle on how to identify fake Mikimoto. I am not saying that this is not a real miki, but I would not trust it. Also I thought I had read the hanging M was being put on their cheaper lines sold in department stores etc; I would think those would not also have a marked clasp? Just a thought.
Hanging M

Hanging M

Thanks for such great advise. I am very grateful for it. I am going to look very closely at my clasp. It is very fascinating that a little imperfection would be an indication of authenticity.

I looked closer at the hanging M, and I think is it interesting that it is placed after the 3rd pearl. Does anyone know what the "placement" of the hanging M mean?
When I got mine (more than 10 years ago) I don't believe they were placing the M. But I might be wrong, it was purchased from Saks.

From looking at the website, it seems that they place the Ayoka's M after the first pearl:

The Special Editions seems to be placed after the 3rd:

The 32-inch Special Edition (larger pearl) was placed after the 3rd, while the normal 32-inch the M was placed after the 1st:

The "very expensive" south seas seem to be placed after the 1st:

As for the one I am looking at (which I also believe to be very expensive), I think this is the one listed on the Mikimoto website:
The M is placed after the 2nd pearl (although it is a "special edition")

while the one listed on ebay is after the 3rd pearl:

I have a feeling that the placement shouldn't be random.

Any thoughts...
I thought posted on this before. Even though the box and clasp look real and- is that paperwok for the sale of the pearls underneath?- something seems a little hinky about the seller. the headline is terrible
100% Mikimoto Platinum and Grey Tahitian Black South Sea Pearl Necklace

It should say nothing but brand, color and that they are akoya pearls. it seems to say they are SS pearls of some kind. Weird. I honestly did not know Miki sells dyed pearls and that makes me want to research it as well. I suppose if you won it, you could send/take it to a Miki dealer and let them look at it. then if not authentic, make a stink at ebay.

I agree with DLP, the m does no look right. I have heard that uneven thing before and always look for it when a miki comes up. There are experts who can recognize a fake clasp. But more common is to collect a box and a clasp, add the pearls and sell as Miki. I wouldn't be worried if that was a bill of sale under the last photo. Can you ask to see the paper separately?

What a chance the bidders are taking!

NON PEARL GRIPE: this seller claims to donate a portion of each sale to the SPCA. Only people who don't know dogs contribute to the nat'l SPCA. The nat'l does not support local chapters and shelters and they personally do not rescue dogs or cats- they are involved in fights over baby seals and one other non-shelter projects. Their contributions allow the ceo to make a way inflated salary in the at least the mid 6 figures. Their ads make me grind my teeth, they give a false impression of what they do, yet are accepted blindly by the public for doing something they don't really do. Sorry for the lecture. PM me if you want info to back my claims.
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The hanging M thingy is fairly recent by the way. And frankly even if it is a genuine clasp the pearls may not be miki's, I know a Mikimoto clasp only, no pearls, was on ebay a week or so ago with bidding over 300.00 for it; may have been the UK ebay, don't remember, but just proves there are people seriously seeking those clasps and probably not to replace a broken one on grandma's pearls :rolleyes:
Thank you everyone for all your advise. I don't think this is the right stand for me. I have learnt a great deal going thru Pearl-Guide and the Forms.
Initially I thought guaranteeing quality pearls means Mikimoto, which might need winning the lottery. But it seems there are a number of quality and reliable places I could find beautiful quality stands that won't break the bank.
I think you have come to the right conclusion, PearlFlower. Welcome :)