newbie needs advice on buying CFWP


New Member
Jun 7, 2008
Hi all!
I will keep it short, i'm spending too much time on this site and the family are going to get soup from a can again tonight. So...

I've been asked to run a beading course in my area and i want to focus on pearls, (just love, love them. The look, the feel....)So, advice about where best to buy. Online from China, USA or beading stores.
Funding is always an issue, so looking for a good deal on white (round to the eye) grade AA. Where do i...(just burnt the garlic bread!!)

All advice much appreciated.
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Hi msLondon,
Welcome to the forum.
It depends upon the quality of pearls that you are looking for.
DruzyDesign on ebay sells good quality cfwp.
So does rainbowislandpearls. Both these are in the U.S.
Pearllunar does, too, but not so nice as Druzy. He is in China.

I expect there are a few on here might be able to help, too.

And I am sure others on here will come along with their recommendations.
Hi MsLondon,

Sounds like you are looking for multiple strands of the basics. DruzyDesign has more exotic pearls, but one of a kind generally, fabulous stuff, though! Don't know what you will find in beading stores. That could vary depending on the owner's knowledge about pearls. And one would probably pay more.

You might also try Terry at to see if he would sell unfinished strands. You will get the consistent quality you want.

The ongoing problems with ordering direct from China can be,

1. communication difficult

2. sizes are smaller than indicated due to "Chinese" sizing, which you may have already read about here

3. No accurate grading system

4. Difficult to return if dissatisfied

5. "Round" is quite egg shaped.

6. If you order pink, it will likely be peach.

Will this be an ongoing course? Sounds like great fun! Glad you found us here, we do have many online dealers, these are just a few, some are specialized in high end pearls,

Please tell us more! You did give me a chuckle with "spending too much time on this site--------!"

so many pearls, so little time
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Integrity pearls has nice beading pearls, the VHQ have good luster and when available the premium pearls are nice. Expect slow shipping though,..
I had an email from Doug at Integrity Pearls earlier this month, saying they hoped to have all their shipping revisions completed and streamlined this month (June) since their move. I suggested he come back to the forum and explain what had gone on.
Yes, he has some nice pearls, and hopefully the slow shipping issues will be resolved.

so many pearls, so little time
Hi msLondon
Wendy of pearlescence is also in England, has happy China connections and I think she will special order. You should at least get in touch with her as you have very similar interests.

Sueki too!

They both have websites to explore too. Both are in this thread, so should be easy to contact.

I love those beaders! I wish you the best in your class(es)
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I had an email from Doug at Integrity Pearls earlier this month, saying they hoped to have all their shipping revisions completed and streamlined this month (June) since their move. I suggested he come back to the forum and explain what had gone on.
Yes, he has some nice pearls, and hopefully the slow shipping issues will be resolved.


Thanks Pattye. It will be good to have Doug restored to better than his former glory.
I agree. Intregrity Pearls is the source for some fine beading pearls- Doug has a category for natural colors and sometimes has quality pearls.

I hope he posts over here too, because he was always on my shprt list of preferred beading pearl venders.
Hi, Caitlin and Pattye and others.

It's time to begin "hanging out" in again (though I'm a bit shy to say much, because I know I'm in the presence of others who know so much more about pearls than I do!)

I don't want to appear to be self-promoting, but since it came up, may I submit a quick update about Integrity Pearls? A couple of years back, when I was living in Asia, we tried a grand experiment that was intended to give our customers the very best pearls, selection and prices - we moved our base of operations directly into China. I established an office in Shanxiahu (Pearl Mecca), and we set up a system of couriering orders to Los Angeles and forwarding from there. The quality, selection and prices worked great, but then we ran into a series of problems with shipping and customer service. It really got bad when US Customs began detaining packages from China last July, and one thing led to another, like dominoes. Customers were waiting weeks and weeks for orders, we fell dreadfully behind in e-mails, finances got tight... we felt horrible about what we were doing to our beloved customers.

So we took radical action. I returned with my family to re-establish our base in North America (home is in Canada, inventory is in Los Angeles). And we set about to rebuild the business from the ground up, step by step. It has been a slow, systematic process, but we can now offer our customers the same quality and value with our pearls, but now with prompt customer service, and immediate shipping by Priority Mail. We learned some lessons, the hard way, but building on these, we will do whatever it takes to give our customers the very best. Our range of pearls is currently limited to white, naturals and peacocks, but we will be broadening the range (including quality dyed pearls) with each passing week; and offering both regular quality pearls and top-of-the-line premium whites.

But this is beginning to sound like an advertisement, so I'd better stop. I'll resume participation in this world-class forum, now that we have our act together again, and I look forward to learning a lot (and hopefully contributing a bit) to this esteemed community of pearl-lovers.

Thank you to people who encouraged us when we were struggling. We do have the very best customers in the world!

-- Doug
Thank you, Jeremy. You and your helpers have a world-class Forum going here. We have quite a few links to on our Website, including one on the Home Page. I hope we can send many more pearl-lovers your way. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
Would it be bad to say that I have some I am selling for cost? I don't want to do something gauche, but...
Hi Doug
That post was requested by a number of people-an update on how you are doing. I thank you for the thorough explanation.