Newbie in search of pearls for a girlfriend

Hmm, it's sounding pretty unanimous. So it sounds like the consensus is an 18" freshadama/gemgrade fresh with rose overtone. I guess I should get some matching earrings. Should the earring pearl size match the necklace?
I guess I should get some matching earrings. Should the earring pearl size match the necklace?

IMHO, no, it really depends on the size of her earlobes.

A 8mm pearl would cover a very large area of a small earlobe and look overwhelming, whereas it may look small on someone with a large earlobe.

It's all about proportion I believe :)

DK :)
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My 12 year old daughter wore them last year to an important school event and she looked amazing in them. That's what is so great about pearls-- no one is too young or too old for them. They are truly timeless.

Gosh, you are brave! And she is a lucky girl!

DK :)
Gosh, you are brave! And she is a lucky girl!

DK :)

She's very careful by nature. This is a girl who was using my bone china teacups at age 3 and never broke a one!

As to earrings, I really like my 8-9mm drop earrings with my 7-8mm Freshadamas. They look and feel substantial without being heavy. They are these:

But if you are going for stud earrings, the point has been made by others (and I agree) that a button shaped pearl earring is often more flattering than a spherical one. You could get a AA pearl in that shape and it would cost less also.

The problem with all stud earrings is that it is hard to use the phone with them on!
I remember when Jeremy first got gem grade Freshwaters, I was always telling people to try them. Now there are so many p-g-folks that love them, that I don't even need to taut the freshie's merits any more. 10 people always get in there ahead of me!

Truly this speaks to the merits of these pearls, because these are discriminating buyers who are glad they bought gem quality freshwaters!

No one wants to guess which is which? Clue, the ones with orient are the freshies!
I find buying earrings without trying them on difficult, as they may look good on the display, but do not sit well on the ears.

Good advice about getting a pair of button shapes to start with, as they are relatively inexpensive, so it does not hurt so much if they are scratched! :)

So far, all my "pearl" earrings are fakes. However, I am getting some cheapo 6-6.5mm white and black studs to go with my diamond earring jackets for workwear soon.

DK :)
No one wants to guess which is which? Clue, the ones with orient are the freshies!

Without cheating and check the previous thread, I *think* I can see orient in the top strand more than the lower one.

The lower one has more lustre though.

Probably got it wrong! :o

DK :)
Sit tight --I will photograph my ear with the dangles and post the photo so you can see how they look on the ear. I have large earlobes and one hole is higher than the other one, so it is a snug fit for me, but if I can wear them, anyone can, LOL!
Ok, side view and underside of Freshadama 8-9mm dangle. As I said, snug fit, but my lobes are not dainty (and studs have to be large to look good on me.)

That is a reflection in the first photo, not a flaw.


  • 8-9mm Freshadama dangle earring 1.jpg
    8-9mm Freshadama dangle earring 1.jpg
    9.5 KB · Views: 88
  • underside of Freshadama dangle 8-9mm.jpg
    underside of Freshadama dangle 8-9mm.jpg
    9.2 KB · Views: 91
Now I am coveting those earrings more than ever! My earlobes don't quite match, and I do think a dangle is very flattering to most any age-------
They're extremely comfortable, Pattye! In fact I forgot to take it off after photographing it and just now realized I still have it on the one ear! :D

Hey, if it can fit my earlobes it'll fit yours!
Wow !
Seeing Pearl_dreams neck photo. makes the choice so easy ! :)