Hi everyone, oh my, I'm so overwhelmed by your wonderful comments and warm welcome, thank you so much.
Thank you and exelent advice, I will do that.
Good for you, do you have any pictures of your freshwater bracelet, I would love to see it.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Jersey Pearl
Tank you so much! I must say to you that I am a big fan of your craftsmanship, all these wonderful necklace that you have created. Absolutely wonderful.
Thank you so much lary007. Tahitians are dangerous and now I want more LOL.
Frost Me
Thank you so much. Do you have any photos of your pastel light silver green, I would love to see them.
Two days ago, I ordered beaders' Secret thread, needles and french wires from Pattye. The colors I chose was Mist, Sky Blue and Aqua and I found an old clasp at home, nothing fancy but it will be okay for now, I can always change it later to something nicer.
More pictures, I can not help myself.