New Tahitians


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
A necklace and a couple of tincups (or is it Tin Cup - two words? never sure) All Kamoka . delivered at Stonehenge.
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Oh cool!! Wow, all of us in Britain should've arranged a pearl party with Josh. I would've travelled from Fife for that!!

Pearls look gorgeous!!
Just beautiful and magical! Nice to see you, Wendy! You do get all over, don't you Josh! His beautiful pearls cause a stir whereever they go.
Wow! I'm in Chicago at the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers summer conference and haven't really had time to catch up on the posts, but decided to look at a couple. I'm glad I did!

The photo of Josh and Wendy made my day! :cool:

Wow - when I went to Stonehenge, there were no Tahitians in site - what a great trip for you! It looks like you were both having fun there.
Nice to see you Wendy! Who made the strands? I didn't know Josh did finished pieces-if he did- anyway, they are a treat to see with that background, especially!
I made them! I make everything on my website. Earrings to follow when I can get the gold findings (the findings companies here are totally useless)
That makes sense! Those are good quality Tahitians and like everything you put up, they are good design.

Hope you can get the findings you want.
Steady on there - aren't those enough? The lower blue pearl is one of the True Blues, the only singleton blue Cortez in Europe
I'll see what I can do
setting it was scary - simple job but since I used a very slow setting epoxy I was constantly dashing to make sure they hadn't slipped
I thought the tahitians had a different feel to freshwaters when i was stringing them, sort of harder, though that could be imagination
Yes, Wendy, Tahitians do feel different to freshwaters.
To my mind, kind of harder, but also smoother or glossier maybe.
Wow! That blue pearl is stunning! Blue is one of my favorite colour in pearls. Just a shame it seems rare in pearls. I got a lot of tahitians from Druzy and there were a blue (!!!) pearl in it, and a green one with pretty strong peacock overtones, and I'm keeping these for myself... So beautiful!

Nice photo of Stonehenge. One day I'm going there... Seems a shame that I have never visited it because I visit England almost once/month...