new tahitians from honolulu!

Beautiful, beautiful colors and settings. Wear your pieces in good health!
Wild onion, gorgeous pearls in beautiful settings! The vivid green is spectacular in that trumpet pendant. I have seen Mark's pieces at Jewel of Paradise in Hanalei, Kauai. He chooses his pearls very well. They all have excellent luster and colors. It is good to hear you found the perfect double wahini for the Tahiti Market/ Margo Pearls. I have seen triple wahini pendant setting at Margo Pearl and really like that design. I agree that vivid green is the best color on me too. I wish you could have taken more pictures of Mark's pearls but I am sure that was not allowed at the show.

A couple years ago I bought a Mark Kane pendant at Jewel of Paradise and am very happy with the color I chose. The picture is a little blurry.

About 15 years ago Steven Lee designs were sold almost everywhere on all islands. Most of his pearls have vivid green in yellow gold settings. I think that color was like his signature because I have not seen his designs in any other color. He must have retired or moved on to something else because I don't see them being sold anymore.


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GemGeek - I knew I'd be in trouble coming back to Hawaii, but I budgeted for it. ;)

Pattye - I love that his settings are elegant, without excessive filigree or diamonds (although he does do fancier settings with diamonds, they have the same aesthetic), which allows the pearls to be the stars.

Thank you, BAS! I'm making an effort to wear some pearls every day, even with casual outfits, so I can really enjoy them.

Cathy - That is a beautiful pearl! I haven't seen the Steven Lee name around - too bad, because it sounds like it must have been really nice stuff.

JerseyPearl - haha! Isn't it nice to be part of a forum where people love posting/looking at pictures and delight in each other's pearls?
I love your Tahitians! The pearls themselves are incredible and the designs are simple and elegant. They are classic and classy pieces of jewerly - congratulations!