New silver-blue baroque 8.5-9mm akoyas from PP

trulyviolet, pattye, LVLanghanke, thank you for your compliments!
Shilby, thank you! I think it's great how you are so curious and eager to learn about pearls. You have been bitten by the bug :p
Lugana, thanks for your input on the overtones...aha, I am learning!

I thank Hisano for helping me pick the strand on the phone and for having such lovely pearls to purchase. Hope everyone over at Pearl Paradise and other vendors too have had a chance to relax and decompress. Very happy and glad I upgraded size.
This is a great thead. I decided to pull the trigger on a 20" strand of blue akoya from Pearl Paradise. I'm so excited to finally add this beautiful pearl to my collection. I can't wait for it to arrive. Now I'm on the hunt for a pair of earrings to wear wih them!
86corvettegirl, PP has loose blue akoya's in different sizes ready to make your earrings out of. I selected my pair when I was there, but they may have a pair to match your necklace. Congratulations on your purchase.
86corvettegirl, PP has loose blue akoya's in different sizes ready to make your earrings out of. I selected my pair when I was there, but they may have a pair to match your necklace. Congratulations on your purchase.

I was not aware of that!! I'll have to give them a call. Thanks for the headsup, Lilliefuzzysocks!!

Update...I just sent them a message asking about having a pair of studs made to match the necklace I ordered last night!
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This will be your best outcome since they have your strand right there to match it to. Can't wait to see them on you.
Congratulations, Corvettegirl! A set was a great idea and the timing of the suggestion by lilliefuzzysocks was perfect. :)
Lilliefuzzysocks & GemGeek...Thank you. I agree this will be the best opportunity to get matching earrings. My birthday is Saturday so this strand & earrings will be my birthday gift to myself! The strand I picked is the 9.0-9.5mm in a 20 inch. I hope the color will be as pleasing as those I've seen pictured here. Got my fingers crossed.
What a fab gift, Corvettegirl. Happy birthday! I cannot wait to see pics.
Gorgeous, congratulations on such wonderful birthday gift! And good choice on bumping up on the size, better to go big now before the pearl shrinkage syndrome kicks in. :rolleyes: ;)
Update....PP does not have any loose pearls to make earrings to go with my necklace but have added me to the list of those interested in them when they get more. I hope mine will be as beautiful as Moneymeister's.
Kojima just got a bunch of silver blue akoyas, and has some interesting earrings, and may have some she hasn't drilled yet.