New rope...


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2007
Ropes always fascinate me. Am sharing one that we completed recently about 88 inches long and with a little silver ribbed ball clasp. Used 8 little white 4.5-5 mm pearls and one 8 mm pearl and so on. Happy with the finished necklace. As usual hard to part with it. :)

Sharing some photos.


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Very pretty. Are those akoyas?

In your opinion, if one has a normal middle-class work-life experience, what is the optimal length for a rope of pearls?
Amrita -- that is just beautiful!!! I'd wear it happily!
Thanks cyndayco! These are AAA FW pearls. Rope lengths go as per personal preference. My own is a 72 inch with a clasp (with pearls around 7-7,5 mm) - that allows up to 4 loops around the neck, and also allows for creative ways to do 2 or 3 loops around the neck with or without knotting. :)

For larger pearls, 36 inch and 54 inches are good. Basically, the length ought to be commensurate with the size of the pearls as weight of the necklace on the neck and the length of time they are to be worn should be considerations.

However, for the subject rope (in pictures), as majority of the pearls are small, it is quite lightweight and thus the 87-88 inch length is quite manoeuvrable into various styles.

Thanks BAS - me too!! :)
That's gorgeous - I love ropes with varying sizes like that, it helps all the pearls stand out and you can appreciate them all more by looking at the variety.
Beautiful rope!

Very pretty. Are those akoyas?

In your opinion, if one has a normal middle-class work-life experience, what is the optimal length for a rope of pearls?

IMO...rope length shouldn't rely on 'normal middle-class work-life experience' should rely on what makes you feel a million dollars! :)