New pearl ring- what size pearl

I do think it is mostly personal preference as I'm in the "bigger the better it can never be too big" camp lol. I'm general careful, but do veeery occasionally accidentally knock/scratch my pearls somewhere, and I haven't had visible scratches/issues yet.
For a long time I was self conscious about wearing larger jewelries with similar concerns as you, but in the past few years I've really gotten over that and wear what makes me happy.
The ring I'm wearing in the pic is mom's!
The weight and volume of a pearl as it increases in mm size is worth considering! Pearl Dreams posted this great thread, worth checking out if you haven't seen it before:

It also helps us understand why a 11mm necklace feels so much heavier than a 9mm strand.

Pattye, I updated my original post on that thread just now, to include how to estimate the relative size and weight of strands that have a broader range, which is usually the case when we buy Tahitian and SSP strands.
The example I use is a 10-12mm strand vs. a 9-11mm strand. (The 10-12mm strand will be about a third larger than the 9-11mm strand.)
I had a beautiful Paspaley white South Sea pearl ring that upon the second or third wearing had knocked a very visible divot out of it. I don't remember hitting anything, but you never know with pearls, so there is always a bit of a risk. I eventually put a freshwater pearl in the ring and haven't had any issues since then. We take the risk for the enjoyment of the pearl. :)
Oh, please. Wear it all whenever you feel the desire! I love wearing unusual pieces in unusual places! I think you all do too. Just the information of what the consequences are is important. I love wearing beautiful pearls to the grocery store!!!!
I wonder if the thread starter purchased her pearl ring yet, I would love to see what you've chosen.