New Member, New Inherited Pear Necklace!

One thing to keep in mind--although some folks here are genuine experts, they're working from just photographs. Even with excellent images, the best they can do is tell you "maybe" or "probably." Think of the information you get here as a simply more data, a starting point, not an end point. I think your decision to make an appointment with the local specialist is wise. You'll get the most reliable information from an expert who can actually see and handle the pearls.

Yes, the odds are against your pearls being natural. All that means is you don't have $120,000 pearls; it doesn't mean your pearls are without value or that bead nucleated pearls are second class citizens. If the pearls aren't teeny tiny, a three strand cultured pearl necklace with a diamond clasp is nothing to sneeze at.

Just to clarify, the very expensive procedure is having pearls certified (as natural) by a gem lab. If all evidence points to your pearls being akoya, you can get an appraisal, no certification, from a pearl and vintage jewelry specialist, which isn't as costly or time consuming. A current market value appraisal would give you an idea of what the pearls might bring in a sale. You need a retail replacement value appraisal if you want to insure them. (Most appraisers will do the latter if you don't specify, thus all the multi-thousand dollar pieces selling on eBay for a tenth of their "value.")
That's good advice lisa & Bacca! I guess getting them appraised/certified is the route to go. After having joined here...and having all the's making me want to really know what exactly i have...i would love to know as much as possible about this necklace then report back to everyone here with the information. I am almost sure that this necklace originates from my grandmother, because i don't recall my mother ever wearing it.
Great post Bacca! Great clarifications, great points, exactly right.

InheritedP, I hope you have much fun here, please keep us informed and please forgive the not so clear photo tips. Thanks to you for revealing a flaw in the instructions for good pearl photos - because of you it'll get fixed!
InheritedP, when you retake your pics would you please be sure to include a shot of the pearls 25 to about pearl 40? One strand or all three, pearls 25-40. This would be counting as pearl 1 being the one right next to the clasp, counting from the clasp toward the center.

It'd be nice to know if the camera lens distorted the shape of pearls 25 through 40, and if there's a knot between every pearl. It's not easy to get a good photo of pearls and it doesn't help if the camera isn't up to snuff.

Thanks in advance
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Hi Lisa. I will try and get pictures on the next nice available day. Tuesday is supposed to rain, so hopefully Wednesday i can get pics. Here is a full size pic i did a few days ago with other pics, in the sun (bad i now know)...but you can see the knots between the guess is "silk" thread? If you click on the picture link you can see it full sized.
Well, not so bad really, just not the best way for pearls to show their best qualities.

Anyway, that's my fault for the way I wrote the instructions. You weren't the only one to read it that way. I was getting totally confused about the sudden increase in photos taken in direct sunlight! Until your post, I was thinking "what the heck is happening here? Are scammers deliberately trying to make us not see the pearls and clasps right?"

You know, pull some gullible people into buying directly off PG, with vague photos? Like, oh I saw on PG website, it must be Better than it looks, it must be ok.

But, your post where it seemed you were proud that you photographed in direct sunlight tipped me off to what was wrong, and I hope I fixed it. We'll see. I'm VERY sorry I even thought of questioning whether you were on the up and up, even a little, believe me. I think You were very brave and strong to keep posting! Especially photos, which intimidate the heck out of me.

No pressure, you have a busy life I'm sure, you haven't had the necklace that long, it'll keep another day or two!

Hey, I noticed you have an avatar now - Cool beans, maybe that means you'll stick around!
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I like this's really good! After i had inherited the necklace last week, i was wanting to know as much as i could about it, and after googling...i came across this website. I wasn't hoping to sell the necklace here, i was just trying to figure out it's age, and type of pearls they could be and try and figure out where my father had obtained it. I find the clasp also very interesting, and unique...and being a collector myself (not of jewelry), we as collectors always like to know as much as we can about what we have, or what we came across. In my collecting...i have multiple "holy grails"...none of which i have ever sold, but only traded with other fellow collectors.

I really know nothing about pearls, but after reading and researching here it has me quite interested now...and i am looking forward to getting some background/facts about the pearl necklace i now own. I eventually will get it looked at, and will report back with what i find out.
I hope you do continue to hang around and post! You can fill out your profile if you haven't already, and tell us about your other passions.
I really know nothing about pearls, but after reading and researching here it has me quite interested now...and i am looking forward to getting some background/facts about the pearl necklace i now own. I eventually will get it looked at, and will report back with what i find out.

Your starting point for a pearl interest is soooo much better than mine. Imagine having a 3-stranded possibly akoya necklace with a diamond clasp for starters as opposed to a $75 dyed freshwater strand posing as Tahitians :D

- Karin
Well, in all matter what the necklace is, or how rare it could be...if there is a collector here, that would really want this for their collection i would be more than happy for them to have it...that's just how i am. I am a big collector of something different, and i'm sure/know the necklace i inherited could be in better hands, and that would make me happy!
But even a collector -- especially a collector-- would want an appraisal to be sure of what they were buying. And you would want to be sure of what you were selling.

Without that, there is no way to determine a fair price.
You are right Pearl Dreams...i eventually will get a proper/professional appraisal done...when i do i will scan the form and post it here.
After having read many posts in the forum today, and seeing pictures from others it's hard to tell, but i think my pearl 309 3 strand necklace has smaller pearls than most pictures i've seen. Maybe not, but it seems like it to me. They do say good thinks come in small packages!
A lot of our posters are great at close ups, and they crop the photos so the pearls fill the screen. What mm are your pearls and how long is the necklace? Hard to believe we got this far without asking.
Diamonds are hard to photograph, by the way! :) The clasp is clearly valuable and most appraisers will have a good idea of its value. Pearl valuation is a little harder. For your own protection, get an appraisal before selling.
The 3 strands are "roughly" 18.5" - 20" each from first to last pearl. I don't know what size they are as i don't have a caliper tool, but the pearls have a very nice finish to them in normal light! You can even see my camera reflection on all the pearls.
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WOW! There you go, you did GREAT! Excellent, and not a bad capture on the diamonds either!!

Tell me you cleaned those pearls with a cloth, I will NOT believe they were that good looking before!!!! Way to go, IP, you did yourself proud!

You can just put a ruler with mm next to some of the pearls, at least the smallest and largest, of each strand and approx midway down the sides. Did you measure the clasp? I'm dying here, how can you part with them...
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Lisa, i promise you i have not touched the pearls or any part of the necklace at all...i won't take the chance. The only thing i need to do is get them looked at by a professional...I think i may go on Thursday. If i were to get my dentist to X-ray the pearls, should i do just a small section of the pearls, or the whole necklace in one x-ray? I saw an older post here where a member had posted several x-ray pictures of their necklace in sections. I spent hours reading on the site today and i think i will be on a quest to find out what exactly i have.
I am stunned! That lighting could make such a mouth dropped open!! From the strong direct-light photos I thought the pearls were dirty with makeup.

What do you guys think? Should she bother with dental rays?

And, I'm doing a chair dance, do you guys think cleaning will bring them even brighter, more white?
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