New graduated white Edison strand!

baby nurse

Jun 17, 2013
I recently purchased a strand of white Edison pearls from Pearl Paradise. In my collection of colorful baroques, these pearls are unique and I find myself reaching for them often!

The strand is graduated, 17" long, and the pearl sizes range from 9.2mm to 12.2mm.








Having seen this necklace in person, I can say that I fell in love with it. It looks perfect on you. Enjoy!
Thanks, GemGeek : )

I've actually bought some new clothing just to show these off!
BabyNurse! The strand is sssooo lustrous - gorgeous! I remember PP brought back 2 strands of white edisons - is this the larger or the smaller strand? And no one commented on the little crazy bunny - s/he was noticed!
I am so glad one of those went to you! Those were the most special strands of white Edisons I'd ever seen. I believe they are a precursor to things to come!
What gorgeous pearls, BabyNurse! So happy these live with you ... new clothes and a bunny too LOL!! You look lovely in the pearls :)
It's beautiful, and looks lovely on your neck!

Thanks, Pearl Dreams! I usually wear 18" strands but love the classic look of something a little shorter so went with 17", which is still long enough for a slightly lower neckline.
BabyNurse! The strand is sssooo lustrous - gorgeous! I remember PP brought back 2 strands of white edisons - is this the larger or the smaller strand? And no one commented on the little crazy bunny - s/he was noticed!

Thank you, Purranha! This is the smaller of the two strands. I thought looong and hard about which to choose because I usually gravitate towards larger.

Ha ha-- the little bunny is a figure from my youngest son's favorite show "Rabbid's Invasion". When I go on trips without him, I bring the little figure because it reminds me of him ; )
Your strand is really gorgeous...a white pearl necklace is classic and I love the size, color, and luster on these...they are bold but still refined. Enjoy wearing them! eta: and I thought I was the only one who bought clothing to match my pearls!
I am so glad one of those went to you! Those were the most special strands of white Edisons I'd ever seen. I believe they are a precursor to things to come!

Thank you, Jeremy! I LOVE these pearls! I wasn't joking when I said I reach for them often-- sometimes it's to wear them but just as often it's to set them nearby in their box just so I can look at them!! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has crazy attachments to their pearls :o
What gorgeous pearls, BabyNurse! So happy these live with you ... new clothes and a bunny too LOL!! You look lovely in the pearls :)

Aww, thank you, Cathy! I don't need more clothes but find it very hard to resist when I have new pearls :rolleyes:
Your strand is really gorgeous...a white pearl necklace is classic and I love the size, color, and luster on these...they are bold but still refined. Enjoy wearing them! eta: and I thought I was the only one who bought clothing to match my pearls!

Thanks, JerseyPearl! It is classic and lovely which is what drew me to the strand.

Necklines and color, it's all I consider when I buy clothes. If it isn't pearl-friendly, I don't buy it!

I took a ton of pictures with a variety of different tops. I didn't want to overwhelm people with pics so will post more a bit later ; )
I had contemplated this strand when they were first mentioned on PP, but thought they were too big for me. They look amazing on you. Perfect size, perfect length. They are gorgeous.

I really like very graduated strands in the 17-18" length. They look more real to me than strands with big pearls all the same size. I hope that make sense. Also, I think they would be lighter on the neck, and more comfortable behind the neck.

If something like this comes back up on PP, I'm definitely going to have to splurge on a necklace.
JerseyPearl - these 2 strands came along with Sheri's Screamer white metallic pearls - it was posted on their blog and sold to ladies who inquired, but don't think they ever made it onto the PP site.

BWeaves - like you, I very much was tempted by these 2 strands, but I already have my small WSSP plus my mom has a larger WSSP which will eventually end up in my pearl stash. So I just couldn't pull the trigger given the WSSP and the white Edisons are pretty comparable. I occasionally still kick myself for letting them go.

BabyNurse - lol we are all very attached to our pearls. I name (a good number of) my pearls and take "storybook" pictures for them! See the OctoBabies picture adventures and playdates! :rolleyes: