New Buyer. Where to begin?


New Member
Feb 18, 2018
My first post!
I'm looking to buy some inexpensive pearls to begin trying my hand at making jewelry and different projects. Preferably round or near round. I would ideally like to start with some undrilled and half drilled pearls.
Any suggestions on where to start my search? I've been looking at websites for days and my head is starting to spin. THANK YOU!
I know many people here have bought from WenPearls and KongsPearl on Etsy (I have not personally bought pearls from either, however.)
I second Wen Pearls and Kong Pearls. What are you going to make with the undrilled pearls?
Thank you! I may include them in some kinds of art. I'm not positive yet. But the other thing I make is candles and I may buy some more upscale pearl cage necklaces if I can find some pretty ones and do a surprise candle with the undrilled pearls. Wrap the pearls really well to protect them and when you burn the candle, the pearl is revealed. Kind of like those hokey "hope pearl" kits with the oyster in a tin, but with undyed nice pearls and cages that aren't cheap metal.
I have had good experiences with Wen and Kong, and less good too.
The most problem is this usual saturating of the photos, which don't show real colour of the pearl.
Pearls shown by front and back would be better, also, specially for baroques.
It's true that Wen makes effort if requested.
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I have had good experience with Wen and Kong. One of the difference is shipping timing but both around 20-30 days.
I personally like more Kong pearls.
I will suggest druzydesign. They have both Ebay and Etsy stores, and seems like the products they have on each site are quite different. Most of druzy's pearls I've seen and purchase are drilled pearls though, but the shipping is excellent (3 day shipping in US, free on Ebay and arond $3 on etsy) and the tahitian pearls I bought have good prices and good lusters. You might want to ask if they have half-drilled and undrilled pearls. Also they always have sale on weekends. I mostly bought from them now because I don't have a lot of patient with shipping.
I also purchased a lot from pearl society on ebay, but because they are in Hongkong the shipping takes forever. Returns are easy, but shipping (again) is a pain. Their pearls are a bit pricier than druzy, quality can be varied but they are pretty good at capturing pearls' photos.
Kong pearls have really beautiful flameball pearls, I just ordered one from them so I don't know the quality yet. I haven't bought from Wen tho, but I am waiting for her (and Kong) to have new stock after the Chinese new year holiday over.
I hope this help
So you're looking for pearls to drop into hot wax along with cages, the customer burns the candles revealing the pearl and cage?
Not the cage. They will pick the cage and it doesn’t go in the candle. But the pearl will be well wrapped to insulate it from the hot wax yes.
It’s for both. The candle idea was just one idea. I do want to try my hand at fashion jewelry as well.
Candles burn and the wax melts down. Not sure you would be able to wrap pearls to protect them enough from hot liquid wax...
Candle wax isn't that hot, though, as long as the pearls aren't that close to the flame (nearer the perimeter of a pillar candle for example). I think doing a few trial runs with inexpensive freshies would be worth a shot. My main worry is how the user is going to clean the wax off the candle after it was fished out. Some kind of wrapper would be necessary, I think.