New beader and pearl obssesionista in town... needing your help :-)

Thank you for posting the video PD! Planning to watch this soon.
Just watched the video, very interesting concept.
4 threads through a pearl-must be really fine thread or a bigger hole on the pearl because I have trouble putting 3 strings through one of mine.
Using her finger as a pearl anchor, and twisting the excess thread on it as well reminds me a little bit of when I crochet... the finishing of the strand is a little confusing to me, but I've only watched it once. I may be curious enough to try this sometime soon.
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Wendy, I is very complicated; and abi I also would require a larger hole. Personally, I prefer the Caitlin method using Beader's Secret.

Katbran, do post if you try this method...I'd be curious as to how it works. Not that thread is expensive, but 9 times seems like a lot of thread, especially when knotting a long rope.
PD - thanks for posting that link !
I’ll just make a comment as I don’t want the thread to wander off ... but I too thought it seemed complicated. I kept stopping it to try and sort out what she was doing with her fingers lol. She must be using 4fine threads , as Bernadette does at times , but I thought her method seemed cumbersome. Do you all thread all the pearls on first ? I add them one at a time .

Eolian - I too am becoming a blue Vietnamese Akoya fan ! I’ve got a handful of little keshi that I need to deal with .. and those little Tahitian Keshi are really lovely ..the shapes are beautiful,
Honestly she lost me -- it seemed too complicated. The light background made it harder to see also and when I tried to enlarge the window on YouTube the video malfunctioned and went back to start each time.

I used to string on pearls one at a time, but now I do this:

1. string on the first 3 pearls in reverse order without knotting, then string on the the gimp and clasp, and then I back-knot between the 3 pearls;
2. string on all the pearls except the last 4, keeping them at the needle end of the thread (I keep them from falling off the needle by using a spring clip);
3. I slide one pearl to the left and make a knot, then continue the same way until all the pearls on the thread are knotted;
4. finally I string on the last 4 pearls without knotting, then the gimp and clasp and back-knot between the last 4 pearls (3 knots). I hide the tail by passing the thread through the 4th pearl and trimming it without knotting.

Doing it this way seems to go faster for me, and there is less risk of the thread tangling when the strand is longer than 18 inches.
I think I do it the same way PD does hers. IMG_20170606_152819.jpg
Did the video not knot one side of the pearl where glue was used, or did I miss that part?
I rearrange too -- a lot-- but usually on the beading board first and then when I think I like the arrangement, I string them all on a piece of beading wire (with a clip on both ends) so that I can hold them up to my neck and see if I like the arrangement.

Only then do I knot them up. I've learned the hard way that there is no substitute for seeing how they look against my neck. It's time consuming, but putting them on beading wire first also prevents my having to crawl around on the floor locating the pearls after accidentally bumping the table and send them scattering. BTDT :p
Thank you, JP. Do you do the clasp first and then thread the pearls, one at a time? I've heard the method I use called the Chinese knotting method. I find it really much faster although it did not work that well when I had quadrupled the strand with the Tahitians using normal sized BS. The strand was part of a remake of a three strand baroque blue akoya necklace that I took apart and made a three strand bracelet and this long rope. The bba are 8-8.5mm and the wba are 8-9mm.
I also arrange them on the bead board first..then string on PowerPro and see how it sits and check the length. Then I take three off and start the knotting on with the clasp...then I add one at a time as I go ... sometimes I'll add 3 or 4 but not the whole strand. I use to put them all on but then I had that little clip come off one time....I had pearls go everywhere lol

It is hard to see what she's doing ! I have a short video of someone knotting up a strand that I put on instagram..its really short as she started to make mistakes and tangled the I thought I was making her nervous.. and stopped the video.. :) I don't know how to add it as there isn't a URL ( maybe there is but I don't know how to find it duh )

Amti - those look gorgeous ! It's going to be a wonderful rope !
Kat, I am addicted to your instagram feed!

amti, I string on 4 pearls in reverse order, then string on the clasp and come back through those first 4 to knot...then I add on the others usually 1-3 at a time and knot just as katbran's video demonstrates. Clasp goes on with last 3-5 pearls, they I come back through and knot remaining; clip and zap/glue. Personally, I do not use a clip. I find it much easier to work on a flat, long surface.
Why thank you JP ! Very kind of you to say ! And I love your feed as well ... so many gorgeous Tahitians !! Thank you for putting me onto Instagram...I knew next to nothing ( and still hardly know anything) about it until you gave me a light shove in that direction ! lol

Regarding knotting - I agree with using a flat surface - I do all ropes on the leather Ottoman which is 5' x 5' so all the thread can spread out and not tangle.

I've not been able to post much as my house is in absolute and total disarray at the moment . Getting it ready to be styled and photographed for listing on the 28th. New carpet went down and painting almost finished. Movers have come twice now - on my second storage locker lol Just eliminating all the pieces they don't want to use.. fortunately they want all the art and antiques .. thank god for that.. All of my stuff is now packed in big flat plastic bins and stacked in the front room so it could be days before I get anything out to photograph.
Bad time to have things packed up..just before xmas..
Hello again:-) Thank you for all the love for the blue akoyas, I am curious what you will do with your keshis Katbran, I must confess I have other tiny blue keshis on the way from Wendy...:-) Amti that will be one glorious rope! Can't wait to see it finished!

I have been a little MIA as I was waiting for some FWP from Wen to arrive and try the no glue knotting but nothing arrived so of the perks of living on a small island :-) So just for practice I knotted some random pearls, I use the method that Pearl Dreams uses but one pearl at the time and as I rewatched Wendy's ( Pearlescence) video I realized I have been making things complicated for myself and THANK YOU ALL now I manage to knot without the glue, hiding the thread and then cutting it - I think I do need the zapper or special scissors though... but in any case I am happily moving forward with my knotting, just need more pearls ...:-) Thanks again for all your suggestions!
new pearl projects and catastrophes...

new pearl projects and catastrophes...

Hi again,

I have some new pearl projects finished and new pearls arrived so of course photos and new questions for all you experienced beaders and pearl lovers...Alas, this has been a month of challenges with both new pearls and beading projects...

happy projects ( so far..)
tahitians- pyrits - I love these light peacocks from Jac (8mm) and dark peacocks from Care Ehret ( 10mm, 12mm) together with tiny pyrits...I am planning to finish the look with 6- 7mm keshis but at the moment I don't have anything suitable so I will redo the necklace later on now I just enjoy it.

Japanese akoyas and rhodelite garnet - I almost didn't get to finish the necklace as it got immediately snapped by a friend...I love this combination as well and am already thinking of doing a rooe length of these.IMG_3854.jpgIMG_3862.jpg

not so happy new pearls - I got two beautiful drop pearls I wanted to use for earrings only to find out they were drilled off center...A real bummer, and to make things worse instead of sending them to a pearl expert I contacted and who told me they could be saved I decided to try a local "expert" who said he could do it...Now I have two pearls with 3mm huge pearl holes and I am wondering if ANY earring finding would be safe for them....

Another unhappy surprise was this AAA graded pearl that I got as a part of three pearls with beuatiful color and luster BUT there is this totally nacre-free area at the bottom! Is it even possible to grade a pearl like this AAA? I was quite shocked to see it, but I really loved the color and the two other pearls so I didn't send it back.
a catastrophe - I made a special gift for a friend with baroque tahitian labradorite and pyrit rondells only for it to be broken apart on the second day she put it on! I used tornado crimp which I thought was the most secure one of them all...Totally sad as she only noticed she doesn't have it after getting back from a long walk and the necklace is just gone ...I am sad for the pearl and I am totally worried about all the other pieces I made....I know I must be doing something wrong as I already had one bracelet fall apart - luckily it was one I made for myself and it happened indoors and I noticed it at once...I searched online for all the crimping mistakes I might be doing - but with tornado crimp there isn't really much...Here is the picture of the fallen crimp from my bracelet...Please any ideas will be highly appreciated...I am using the thinnest Beadalon 19, wire. I am very new at this and truly mortified...IMG_4331.jpgIMG_4332.jpgIMG_4335.jpgIMG_4336.jpg


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