New beader and pearl obssesionista in town... needing your help :-)

Imagine a row of heart-eyes emojis here - I love this. You’ve done a fabulous job arranging them.
I love the way they look doubled, but if they were mine, I think I would want to wear them long so I could enjoy the colours and admire my handiwork. :)
I absolutely love this necklace!! I need to take your work on this as inspiration and go hunting on Wen's shop for some circled pearls. I've been so overcautious about pulling the trigger.
Thank you for your kind words ladies! I am very happy about how this rope turned out, and yes, SydK will definitely wear it long to play with the pearls...Have been keeping it on my desk for the last month just to “observe” if I got the color combinations right....

JessKat you have to be patient and careful when selectings strands from Wen, she has had some lovely ones last autumn and since then not so much...When she gets new pearls and there are many stands to select from is the right moment to buy...In my rope I have used one and a half of her pastel button strands, one darker drop shape strand and some pearls I bought as a drop pair ( the light goldens ones) a few as her peacock drop single pearls... Happy pearl hunting! Let us see what you find...

Charlotta yes, I would so love me an ombre bracelet but now I am truly out of pearls (and alas pearl funds)...there will be one in the future...
Wen doesn't have any nice tahitian strands at the moment. Usually she adds lots of them at once.
Well my pearl stash is pretty empty as well, I have been playing with my stash a lot. I do have some pink and peach off round freshwater pearls. I don't really like those pearls, that’s why. They do not look good with my complexion unless they have other colors next to them, like in my rainbow strand. I did see some lovely circled/baroque tahitians on Druzydesigns ebay site. She sells them in smaller batches. I bought some years ago and they are really beautiful, with lovely colors.
Funny you should mention Druzydesign, Charlotta! I just got some new pearls from her and they have truly lovely colors - one is a special golden pistaccio color that I used as a floating necklace and I put the others to my updated “tahitian love” necklace - the original one was too baroque and not so harmonious to my eyes so I collected new drop& oval shapes and now I am quite happy with it... 73199F38-D10C-4A57-A179-EEF30F13EB94.jpeg0C87F82A-658F-48D6-8942-E1D93A67DAD6.jpegE6948C9D-B15B-44A5-9287-0FD4BD3F07F7.jpeg
That floating pearl is really something special, so pretty. And the necklace looks great as well.
Eiolian, that’s a beautiful strand and the floating pearls Wow, what a gorgeous color!!
Just lovely - I like the shapes in this version. And that floating pearl has real Wow factor.
Thank you ladies, I am quite happy with this strand, still a few colors I would like to add though :-)

The floating pearl chain is my latest discovery, a dainty chain with a pin at one end and silicone gold beads that makes it very easy to pass throug 1,2 mm pearl hole...Julia from Oceans Rhyme on Etsy has some in her shop and there is also an European Etsy shop that has it, just search for : 18K Gold Pin-end Dainty Necklace for Floating Pearl Pendant /Adjustable/ on Etsy. Here is Julia’s picture of the chain. I find it very useful you can add different pearls to the chain and change the design of the necklace ...just need to have the pearls drilled to 1,2mm....5B68D89A-2A94-4746-87C7-0E511636B9ED.jpg
Such a clever chain. Did you add eyelets to the pearl as well? I have a non-removable floating pearl that doesn't have that, but I have seen others that do.
Eiolian, wow! The long strand! Love the colours you use! I'll keep this one in my mind when i order at Wen. You orserd a few items to make the strand. You have a good eye for this!
So...turns out I am in love with darker Tahitians as well...

So...turns out I am in love with darker Tahitians as well...

And here I was thinking I was safe from these...but an assignment from my Godmother to find her really dark pearls to make earrings had me coming over to the dark side...:-) I got these 11m beauties from Jac exactly a year ago but then waited forever for the earring findings to come and at the end spent the whole year with these in my stash...falling in love...coming to understand the “mystery” of black pearls...I am a convert now and even bought some darker pearls to my Tahitian Love necklace which was originally supposed to be more of a pastel thing... I am absolutely happy with the result, and may have bought. apair of darker pearl studs for me as well...(still waiting for me at my friends house is the USA)...

Well, today I am saying goodbye to the earrings, having really hard time to let them go but good news is that my Godmother is smitten as well and I get to see them again from time to time...So I made a bunch of goodbye photos with some of my latest pieces that I have already posted on “Show us your pearls” thread. Hope you’ll enjoy them!
Thank you Pattye! My pearl “eye” is definitely a wandering thing :-)
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