Need help on a buy


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
I'm new to this forum. I'm thinking to buy a pearls necklass, but I have the doubt of buying new or used.

I saw this neck on a online website from someone who says that this is a "authentic South Pacific seas 8mm antique jewelry particular, unused new condition with platinum closing 31 bright emerald of high quality proven".

The necklasse, for me, is beautifull but I doubt of it's origin. Can anyone help me?

Here's a picture of the necklasse:

Thank you,

Do you have a link to the Website? I am worried that "authentic South Pacific seas 8mm" doesn't really make sense.
I'm new to this forum. I'm thinking to buy a pearls necklass, but I have the doubt of buying new or used.

I saw this neck on a online website from someone who says that this is a "authentic South Pacific seas 8mm antique jewelry particular, unused new condition with platinum closing 31 bright emerald of high quality proven".

The necklasse, for me, is beautifull but I doubt of it's origin. Can anyone help me?

Here's a picture of the necklasse:
View attachment 17774

Thank you,

I should have explained my concerns in a bit more detail. These are the parts that concern me:

"authentic South Pacific Seas"
There are South Sea pearls. But what are South Pacific Sea pearls?

Pearls have a range. Are the pearls 7-8 mm (freshwater) or 8-9 mm (could be South Sea).

"antique jewelry"
Immediately after describing the piece as "antique," it states that it is new and unworn.

It may be a translation issue. So if there is a link to the site, that could help in determining what the piece is. If it is a South Sea double strand and the clasp is platinum with emeralds (would also like to know the proof of quality), it would be a very valuable piece. But the description and photo simply aren't enough to give an honest evaluation.
Thank you very much for the answers.
Yes, I used google to translate because I'm Portuguese and it stayed a confusion. He says very little on de ad, I asked by e-mail and he seller says it was bought arround 1950, has very little use, that the pearls come from the seas of the South Pacific, about the size he only stats that they are 8 mm, and not the range, and the clasp is made of platinum with emeralds and diamonds.

Here is the link to the add, where there are more photos, but it?s all in Portuguese:

Once again thank you very much.
It could be an old akoya strand. Actually, it could be several things. You mentioned that the emeralds were of high, proven quality. Does this mean that the necklace appraised at some point? If the clasp is as described, and the total price is 950 €, it would be a good deal if the pearls are real. It's difficult to be definitive from those images.
It would be a very good deal for 950 Euro if the clasp is indeed platinum, and the pearls akoyas.

However, I would not consider the emeralds as high quality. The colour of the main stone is dull, clarity opaque, not very lively. And I can barely see the small stones!

DK :)
Hello, I would say they are Akoya pearls. Many listings from various sources call Akoya pearls as South Sea which is incorrect but they seem to consider these pearls as South Sea Pearls. Doesn't mean you want get some lovely pearls but the seller is incorrect either my mistake or intentionally because the cost of South Sea pearls would be a lot higher. Although in these times of a Credit crunch everything is only worth what you can get for it. :(

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 and natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover
Thank you all for the helpfull and quick answer and sorry for my English errors.

I believe that seller has appraised the necklasse but he is dosen't give many details, not even for mail. My consern is that the pearls or the clasp are false. I probably will try to contact the seller by phone to get more information.
Today I went to a jewelry and saw a Mikimoto of 6 mm with a clasp of white gold. The pearls were AA quality. They were beautifull. Do you know if I can find those quind of necklasse in an online store, with equivalent quality?
That's a really good idea to give the seller a call. If the necklace has been appraised and he will provide you with a copy, you might be able to get a really good deal for the price that is offered. But I do agree with your concerns. You need to be certain that the pearls are genuine and that the clasp is as described.

Finding akoya pearls of fine quality in 6 mm can be difficult. A lot of sellers don't carry smaller akoya pearls because they tend to become more expensive than larger ones. This strand of akoya would be a close fit, but slightly larger. You would want the AAA version. If you were to go larger, say 7-7.5 mm, the super-fine hanadama grade would be a good choice, and still probably less expensive than Mikimoto's AA in 6 mm.
Hello dbm,

They really do look like cultured Akoya pearls and of an excellent quality. If the clasp is platinum and the emeralds natural which they do appear to be especially as they are not of a really high quality I would say if you can afford them and love the look, go ahead and buy them.

Just get a guarantee that they are genuine pearls and the clasp is platinum with natural emeralds. If they will agree to this I can't see that up could go wrong.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 and natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover.