Need help in evaluation of these pearls please


New Member
May 16, 2012
First off I'd like to say hi, I am new to the site. I just posted this a second ago but I don't see it so I'm not sure if I did it right. If this was posted a second time, please delete this as I am sorry. Thanks!

I have a strand of pearls that belonged to my mother. I don't know much information besides that when she purchased them about 10-15 years ago, I know she got them from a jewelers and had to make payments on them. They were kept in one of those velvet bags for years. They have a knot tied between each pearl.

I read the other threads so I'm going to do my best to answer these questions and then post pictures afterwards:

Whether the pearls feel gritty or smooth when rubbed against your teeth or when you rub two against each other; - They feel gritty when rubbed against my teeth and together, and cold to the touch.

The dimensions of your item, including length, width (if applicable) and size of the pearls; - I'm not really good at measuring or don't really know how to but if I hold the pearls neck to a normal ruler, it looks like they are one notch away from .5cm, but I will take a picture of them next to a normal ruler, lol.

Description of any stamps or markings on the clasp, e.g., 14k, 585, letters or logos; - The clasp says 14K

Shape of the pearls, e.g., round, off-round, egg, potato, button - They look round to me

Whether the pearls all look exactly alike or if there are differences from pearl to pearl; - I can't really tell, they look similar to the naked eye but if I start to look at them individually, they each have different properties. (Ex, one might be shinier then the other, one might have scratches on the pearl and the other doesn't, one may look a little bigger than the other.)

Description of the surface of the pearls, e.g., smooth, dimpled. - Some are smooth and shiney, some have dimples or scratches)

- My pictures are a little blurry I know, but I have no clue how to make them not, lol. Also noticed while photographing that one of the knots near the clasp looks like its starting to come undone, I don't know that effects the value or not but here we go. If you need to ask anymore questions I'd be glad to answer or try to take better pictures. Also should mention that these aren't white really, but sort of off white.


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Hi Sinamon, and welcome :) Well done, for the description! Great job! About the photos, We have a thread telling how to take good photos. You can find it at
FORUMS ==> Other Stuff==> Taking pictures of pearl jewelry.

I don't know if someone will need a reshoot for an opinion, but nice first post.
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I forgot to ask, are the pearls all about the size next to the clasp? About 6.5 mm?

They look like Akoyas to me. Anybody else, since I'm a student ?

About the thread coming loose, it's between the second and third pearl, so I don't think you have to worry too much. You can try to tuck it back into the hole, then put a little dab of glue on it. The thread will be a silk or a synthetic; I don't know if the type of glue is the same no matter what, or requires different glues. Let me take another look, or you might get to it first.

Ok, the knots look pretty good and there might be gimp at the edge of the clasp. Where the clasp joins the necklace is there a coiled looking metal loop? If there is, that's a piece of gimp which protects the thread. I think you can get away with carefully trimming the loose thread, although I'd be happier if the loose thread was between pearls 3 & 4.
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