Natural pearls


New Member
Sep 5, 2012
hi everyone...

my father's family have been in the sea shell business for a very long time. With this many local diver's brings there daily catch of shells to sell thus over the years we had acquired a few natural pearls.

I have attached some photos to show our pearls, one is very similar to the so-called Pearl of Allah and two other pearls attached to mother of pearl shell or pinctada maxima (NATURAL)15 X 21mm and 12 X 15 mm (POLISHED shell).

I was hoping to find buyers for these pearls, I dont have GIA certificate but i can guarantee it is authentic natural pearls.


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Welcome welcome welcome Radzelie and thank you for your pictures truly amazing.

Where are you based?
Giant Pearl

Giant Pearl

Hi everyone.....

I'am new to PG and still trying to find my way around here. My parents have collected a few pearls over the years and thought of showing a few here.

I'am hoping to find potential buyers here. Rest assured it is all natural. Fell free to ask questions or anything. Thank you :)


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Mod mode:Please don't do two threads with the same pearls. We are a small forum and see everything. This thread is better to post in, because it is in Natural Pearls. /mod mode.

OK (96/12) I moved the other posts here.

What are you hoping to get for the Tridacna gigas shell and pearl? I do not want to buy it, I just wonder what you think you can get for it. Would you base that price on what the Pearl of Allah is evaluated at?
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well beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. well as you said it is a gigas paerl stuck into a shell, but its not very often you see a pearl like that.

It is similar to the so called pearl of Allah, the thing is that unlike the said pearl of Allah my pearl is still very much attach to its shell. Maybe surprisingly for you, It is actually smooth to the touch but of course not as smooth as a common pearl. I think authenticity is intact if the pearl is left on its shell.

But anyway Thanks! :)
hi Donzi32

Thank you for welcoming me here.. :) Im glad you like my photos despite my usage of a very low megapixelcamera phone. I guess as always the beauty of any pearl do really show regardless of anything.

Well, I'am from the Philippines.

Anyway im very happy to have found this page :)
Hi Caitlin:

Hi Caitlin:

Mod mode:Please don't do two threads with the same pearls. We are a small forum and see everything. This thread is better to post in, because it is in Natural Pearls. /mod mode.

What are you hoping to get for the Tridacna gigas shell and pearl? I do not want to buy it, I just wonder what you think you can get for it. Would you base that price on what the Pearl of Allah is evaluated at?

Hi Caitlin:

I'am very sorry about doing the two threads, it was my first time in this page and probably got confuse. But anyway NOTED!

About my selling price for the Tridacna gigas shell and pearl, i really dont know how much,but of course, im hoping to sell it in a price that would satisfy my mind and heart. I have a buyer from France who wants to buy the pearl for $200,000... I know it is a big amount of money but i dont know.

I'am not basing my price with the said price of the Pearl of Allah, i have no doubts of the said price of the pearl of Allah, i mean the story might be true, who knows? but them!
But i wanna keep my selling price realistic.

what do you think? How much should i sell it?

Thank You! :)
Hi Caitlin:
I have a buyer from France who wants to buy the pearl for $200,000... I know it is a big amount of money but i dont know.

Not to be a jerk but if you have a real offer for $200,000 I would take it and run.

What kind of money are you hoping to get for the shell and its attached oddity? What do you think the market will bear?

How much do you know about the story of the Pearl of Allah? Have you heard of the Pearl of Elias? It is almost as large as the PoA.
Absolutely take it! And run. At least agree to sell long enough to see what kind of cash you will actually receive.

That is 400 times the amount of money that actually ever changed hands for the Pearl of Allah, if I got my math right. How much do you know about the story about the PoA? Although Hoffman made an offer for $200 000 upon the death of Wilburn Cobb, he only paid $3k down and a promise of the rest of the $$$ when it sold.

Of course, it was never sold. That 3k is the largest amount of money that pearl ever generated. The rest is hyped up estimates and not one taker.

I would claim to be one of the 3 top experts on that pearl on the planet and we are all on the I think the other two will concede that I never quit researching this story and have continued to unearth info from people, including two who were very close to one of the owners. So, I have a deep and abiding interest in this kind of pearl. Or rather in the stories surrounding each find of this kind of pearl.

It's not all about the money! :)

It's not all about the money! :)

Not to be a jerk but if you have a real offer for $200,000 I would take it and run.

Yes, you are right $200,000 is a huge amount, i would probably never earn it in my lifetime, in fact the offer was over that amount, but i had a middle-man/agent in that transaction and many other things to consider. And besides its not all about the money, maybe it was just not meant to be sold that time. :)
Tridacna Gigas under CITES

Tridacna Gigas under CITES

is it legal to harvest the Tridacna Giga shells?

My father had been in the import-export of sea shells since 1972 and my late grandfather since 1960's.

We have acquired the tridacna gigas and its pearl before it was place under CITES. In other words before it was banned. :)

What kind of money are you hoping to get for the shell and its attached oddity? What do you think the market will bear?

How much do you know about the story of the Pearl of Allah? Have you heard of the Pearl of Elias? It is almost as large as the PoA.

Hi Caitlin,

My father would described it as "PRICELESS", i mean the price would all depend on whatever we ( us and the buyer) would agree on. As i said its not all about the money.:)

I dont know much about the Pearl of Allah other than what i have read on the internet.

About the Pearl of Elias, well my pearl is the so-called Pearl of Elias, attached is a photo of my friend Kari Anderson of taken at our house during her visit to the Philippines a few years ago.

Anyway thank you for your opinion, a big help, very much appreciated!:)


  • 20", 8.5-9mm, from Yokota Pearl Company in Japan. Hanadama Cert.
    20", 8.5-9mm, from Yokota Pearl Company in Japan. Hanadama Cert.
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is it legal to harvest the Tridacna Giga shells?

I believe it is possible to harvest this species if they are farm-raised, other countries may still have healthy populations that could be sustainable fished as well. This link takes you to a CITES pdf file that may fill in the gaps.

Now, if he says his parents collected them...the shell could be old and it could be sold, always depending on national & international laws. It is a HUGE shell, these large specimens are not common these days...sadly.
OH! That is you! It is so good to put this together! Thank you.

If I were you, I would hang onto that shell as long as possible. If you can't get a Natural History Museum to buy it, then when it leaves your hands, it should perhaps be a gift to a museum. The Museum of Natural History in NYC has a huge connection with the PoA.

It was Dr. Miner of their staff who authenticated it as a genuine tridacna gigas.

And then Wilburn Cobb wrote a story for the Museum's highly regarded magazine, about how he acquired the pearl. I think the link to it is on the thread about the pearl before I helped write the article about it. That piece of writing in that magazine is where all the lies started. It is one lie after another. Even when an informed reader wrote in reply to the article that there were no Dayaks on Palawan, no one else ever took the hint and questioned the article. And I am sure Cobb never thought the internet was coming and all decades old lies were capable of being exposed!

Did you know that the PoA has not been re-authenticated since 1937? Many porcelain replicas were made of it, but the pearl, itself has not been seen by ANYONE since the 1960's. It is supposed to be in a vault in Denver, but it was not even produced in court during the Bonicelli children's suit in 2005, which was filed in Denver, nor was it re-authenticated and re appraised for purposes of the settlement. And, it has still not been seen, even though the Bonicelli heirs own 1/3 of it and want to sell it.

This story is far from over. I have come to suspect that the pearl is no longer with us. Perhaps it shattered when they tried to take a core out of it for the carbon dating test Lee Sparrow referred to in 1969 or so, when he appraised the pearl, sight unseen, based on previous documents and a report of the findings of the carbon 14 test indicating it was no more than 600 years old. Which incidentally gives the lie to Cobb's story about it being 2,500 years old! The Lee family legend was made up by Cobb, fanned on by Barbish who claimed another meeting with a mythical member of the Lee family, yet it persists as fact in the Wikipedia article and its owner/"possessor" Victor Barbish resisted any changes Jeremy and I individually tried to make to the article giving the true story. It may be possible to change it a bit now that Barbish is dead.

Your pearl has good karma and there are no lies surrounding it. It is possible for you to detect the true monetary value. Or the true scientific value as an exceedingly rare specimen of T gigas with a pearl.

Whatever value is placed on it in the future should have NOTHING to do with the false and artificial appraisals made for the PoA! Since Cobb first claimed it was worth 3.5 million in 1937, all appraisals have been based on inflation since the 30's and thus are not based in reality.

Sorry, if I seem loud about this. I am passionate about seeing the truth being told about the PoA and for legal calls to produce it for evaluation for the Bonicellis. Produce the actual pearl and not one of the porcelain duplicates!!!!
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OH! That is you! It is so good to put this together! Thank you.

If I were you, I would hang onto that shell as long as possible. If you can't get a Natural History Museum to buy it, then when it leaves your hands, it should perhaps be a gift to a museum. The Museum of Natural History in NYC has a huge connection with the PoA.

Did you know that the PoA has not been re-authenticated since 1937?

Your pearl has good karma and there are no lies surrounding it. It is possible for you to detect the true monetary value. Or the true scientific value as an exceedingly rare specimen of T gigas with a pearl.

Whatever value is placed on it in the future should have NOTHING to do with the false and artificial appraisals made for the PoA! Since Cobb first claimed it was worth 3.5 million in 1937, all appraisals have been based on inflation since the 30's and thus are not based in reality.

Sorry, if I seem loud about this. I am passionate about seeing the truth being told about the PoA and for legal calls to produce it for evaluation for the Bonicellis. Produce the actual pearl and not one of the porcelain duplicates!!!!

Hi Caitlin,

Thanks for replying, im very much surprised that you have an issue of some sort with the Pearl of Allah, well i really dont know much about it. As i said my parents have been in the seashell business for a long time, when my father saw the tridacna gigas w/ its pearl, he knew it was special thus he decided to keep it as part of our rare specie of sea shell collection.Then a few years later an article/Trivia about the POA came out in a local newspaper. But we only decided to sell it i think 3 years ago.

My selling price is far far from the said price of the POA, the POA's price then (1937) and at present was never the basis when we tried to sell my pearl then and especially now because of recession in most parts of the World.

Actually, yes, the first place that came into my mind was to sell it to a museum, but i really dont know how. Can you give me some ideas?

You mention that The National Museum in NYC has a close relation w/ the POA, how?
And how do i know the true monetary/scientific value of my pearl ?

Hoping to hear from you again...
Thank you very much!
the price on pieces like this is always hard simply because there arent that many that buy something like this and actually have money the one on ebay right now 37 inch pair with huge blister is on there for a year and not sold this one is a pair and super nice large blister so what is the right price

the price someone pays is always the right one i used to pay hundreds for nice shells with blister ad the moment i stopped doing that the same seller sell me the sale type of pieces for 10 % of there price simply because nobody else buys them :)

i think if your able to get 10 000 your a boss and when you able to get more your a king haha