Natural pearls value

Do you think it would be wise selling them as they might not be worth much?
They would still have quite a bit of value. High-quality strands like that are a rare find.

After the war, the servicemen would all buy strands of graduated pearls and bring them back from Japan. The pearls were called (in the industry), 3.5 momme strands. This is because they weighed approximately 3.5 momme. The strands would graduate from 3 mm at the ends to 7 mm in the center. The reason they graduated them this way is because it made the strands affordable. A full strand of 7 mm pearls would have been astronomically expensive.
The people who examined them were first one gemologist in jewellery shop and pearl expert dealing with only natural pearls so therefore very small place with the office, they dont really deal with sales
Thank you very much for your opinion, sounds about right to me.
Very helpful too.
I was a bit surprised when they said that pearls are natural, like to good to be true.
The people who examined them were first one gemologist in jewellery shop and pearl expert dealing with only natural pearls so therefore very small place with the office, they dont really deal with sales

I wouldn't expect a gemologist in a jewelry shop to know too much about pearls, especially vintage or natural, but a pearl expert dealing with naturals should be able to tell in an instant. If he was convinced they are naturals, you should have them checked out.
See thats what i thought. In about 5 mins he said they were natural.
I thought he ment as in coltured but he was 100% they are real.
One thing that puzzeld me was the price he said they would be worth.
It was roughly ?400 - ?500 so i was a bit surprised as i thought they would be worth more then that.
Could be purely cause he wanted to buy it as he did offer.
That price would be closer to the value of a good-quality vintage akoya strand, not a natural.

Do you know the gram weight of the strand? Sans the clasp, if it is around 13 grams, it's a 3.5 momme strand.
i think he said something like 25 carats... does that make any sense to you?
Sorry its just that im trying to learn as much as i can about all this :)
Sure, but it doesn't match the size. What is the size of the center pearl? 25 carats would be less than 1.5 momme.
Im not to sure, i will messure it again. This is how he came to this,
he basicly took the neclace and put it onto. Something that looked like a scale and i thought that was the weight of it. Think i wrote the sizes somewhere on this thread. Would you please explain me how to messure the sizes properly? Im not sure if im doing it the right way. What would 25 carat mean?
Thanks for chiming in, Jeremy.
Jeremy is a top pearl expert in the world, esp. in cultured, though he is also natural expert.

When I saw the perfection of the pearls, I knew they couldn't be natural with such perfect shapes and skins without blemishes. Naturals always have a funky factor that makes them contrast to top quality cultured. If such pearls were natural, they would be worth a kingdom. They might even be famous. Even so they are top quality cultured and should be worth something.

Pearl expert is such a flat term. If you show them to a jeweler again, make every effort to find one that has a Pearl Certificate from the GIA or equivalent. Regular jewelers often spread the worst of the pearl myths, because they never studied pearls. We even have a thread about stupid things jewelers say about pearls!

If it's Gemologist, shouldn't it also be Pearlologist?
Well. As you probably see i dont. Really know much about pearls and what i do know
( very basic) is just due to my reaserch on the internet. I noticed natural pearls are so hard to see online so therefore i went to see little shop in notting hill gate, next to my work and pearson there gave me few things to look at and learn. That is why im here. This forum is extremly helpful and every day i learn something new. Thank you. Both f
or being so patient with me. My next question is weather i should have them tested anyway? Also as weather i should even be selling them or just to keep them for my personal collection. What would something like that be worth roughly?
Sorry for spelling mistakes, im typing on my phone
Only with testing can you be 100% certain. I agree with Jeremy, though, that 400 - 500 pounds would be way too low a value for natural pearls, and even low for this quality if they're cultured. Usually you only get a lowball offer when the person you're talking to is interested in buying them for a song.

The value is in the strand, which is outstanding, whatever it is. The pearl in the ring looks like a cutured replacement. Hard to say about the earrings.

It used to be that the Gem-A school in London had a reputable laboratory, but they closed a couple of years ago. Christies will be able to point you in the right direction.

Good Luck! ;)
Thank you for confirming my thoughts, ?400 - ?500 would be silly to even put on sale.
My decision is that i will be keeping the ring no matter what as i fell in love with it and love wearing it.
I will keep you posted as soon as i find out more but your comments and opinions are always welcome.
Kind Regards
Hello everyone.
Today i went to Bonhams in London, Knightbridge to have valuation on my pearls, the person went for second opinion once there and I was told the estimate for sale would be ?1000 - 1500. Even if proved they are all natural the estimate would still be same.
Does that sound like fair offer to you? What should I do considering testing would cost me ?180 alone. Please help
Today i went to Bonhams in London, Knightbridge to have valuation on my pearls?
Too bad the pearls aren't keshis, in which case this house could have called them naturals without blinking an eye, just as they have done in their auction catalogues.
Really??? I was a bit shocked to hear the estimate so low if they were all naturals.
Also I have to say the person i saw didnt look very proffesional, as if she didnt know how to answer my questions.
Maybe not the best place to sell pearls....
I think all of the major auction houses call keshi "natural", but you can't call rounds on a strand "natural" unless certified. That is magnificent sum if it is cultured! The auction folks don't have to know much about pearls except their appraisal values, which are based on what pearls are actually selling for on today's market.

What a shame you are getting such a run around trying to get information. You are correct, the valuation for high quality cultured akoya pearls would be much less than similar quality natural pearls. Hopefully others will chime in here. Perhaps sending by registered mail to a lab here in the US would be less expensive than the amount you suggest. Hopefully others will chime in here shortly-----------
US is a good option any recomendations to where I could send my pearls?
I will try and go to Christies tomorrow and hope they direct me somewhere
This is the 3rd time I've been told they are most likely naturals but could be mixed with cultured. However the estimate wont change ... it makes no sense to me