Natural or Not Natural - Opinions Needed!

I had the privilege of seeing a Faberge / Lalique exhibition in San Francisco some years ago. I found the Lalique pieces beautiful but very 'dark'.

- Karin
Phenomenal piece dmj, so sorry it was pulled!

Karin Lucky you! I bet that was quite an interesting exhibition!
Karin, was that the traveling "Imperishable Beauty" exhibition? I went to see that one when it came to the Cincinnati Museum of Art. I was swooning from start to finish!
Are those opals or pearls set into the necklace chain? It is gorgeous work! I wonder what the original dress/outfit would be for it?
The Lang Jewelry University has a page on Alphonse Fouquet here:

I believe it was his son George Fouquet who was the genius creator of spectacular Art Nouveau pieces.

That Fouquet Abalone Pearl and Plique-?-Jour Enamel Brooch with Chatelaine, 1901 (Photo Courtesy of Christie's) is as good as it gets!

Enlighten me- What is a chatelaine in this context? I thought it was the Lady owner of a chateau..
I was there with a friend who even more New Age than me. I thought the guard was going to throw us out when Brad started chanting at a sacophagus to free some soul fragment apparently trapped in there :)

Lol, too funny! I bet you had fun though.

kiwipaul That brooch is extraordinary! I imagine IRL it is breathtaking!

GemGeek Thank you for the book recommendation.
The ch?telaines were worn by the ch?telaines, that's why !

They were tied by a hook to the belt of the said ladies.
Thanks, Paul! All the pictures are fascinating- I thought that the keys to the parts of the chateau would be the necessary items. I also find it interesting that women were expected to read and write, in addition to beauty and sewing. The whistle seems just as important.