Natural Chocolate Tahitians

Thank you Battah. The chain is a Victorian watch chain. I hooked a small antique pendant where one would hook the watch.

I love wearing watch chains as necklaces! I need a heavy gold one like that, it's gorgeous.
Luvglitz, you inspired me to use a chocolate Tahitian keshi in a tin cup I made's a close up of the "chocolate" keshi...kind of like a Hershey's kiss! IMG_3942.jpg


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JerseyPearl your projects put me in awe. I love this new one using the keshi chocolate pearl. I am really itching to start some pearl projects especially tin cups of my own. My problem is no loose pearls to play with. I have been so busy buying ready made strands, I haven't bought any loose pearls. I have made a few tin cups using fw pearls. My loops are a little meh. I really want to do some things with Tahitians probably 12mm. Our Intergem show is in mid October, and I am going to look for gold findings and chains. I'll keep you posted.
Luvglitz, once you start making tin cups it really opens up an entirely new world. I love layering my necklaces, so my tin cups and strands usually come from single lots. Make sure you wear a strand of Tahitians to the show, that way you can match quality. I know battah was able to purchase some lovely Tahitians at a recent show, but you might also want to look at some of the vendors here. I think someone mentioned buying a small lot of pearls from Jeremy.