Natural brown and "chocolate' tahitian pearls


New Member
May 30, 2008
Well, I would like to clearify my interpretation between natural brown tahitian pearls and chocolate pearls.
In my particular case, I'm not a fan of treated Tahitian pearls.
Which visual signs can help me to distinguish a natural color than the treated one?


Jos? Hadad


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Visual signs? The color. I don't think that color is possible naturally at all. The treatment didn't imitate something, just created a new pearl color along with a fashion fad for brown (one of those 'new black' waves) a couple of years ago.

Natural 'brown' would be a warm black - very dark with sight coppery overtone. Not at all similar with the treated. before the 'chocolate' treatment craze, I've never, ever heard of those brownie pearls being prised for their color (could have missed that, but wouldn't bet on that). Much as I now, the brownish black pearls tend to be dull too.

That's as much as I understand of the story, at least.

There sure are folks posting here who know this first hand. Not me...


That is one magnificent ring in the picture! Yours? Your work? Any chance to see it from the above? ;) Awesome platinum work; reminds me of a certain workshop...
Brown Tahitians = just a fad like so many things in fashion.

Valeria stated correctly there are Tahitians that can naturally achieve similar colors but I know I never had a request for them.

Hey marketing is about creating a want and desire where there was no desire before. Not many people were into brown tahitians until the marketing machine got started and told people that they wanted them.
Thanks Valeria for the reply.
I agree with both. It's a question of marketing.
And Valeria the ring in the picture is a 3D image.
In fact I manufactured it but the image is just virtual.
As soon as possible I'll post the top view.


Jos? Hadad
Jewelry Designer
People can't request something if they don't know it exists. You're right about marketing, of course, but it is also education if done in a classy way, IMO. Who would have thought purple (!!??) pearls would be such a hit? Or even peach? Generally speaking, brown is a flattering color for many women------------

A high quality natural color "brown" Tahitian isn't going to be just brown. I personally wouldn't spend for brown Tahitians unless it was natural color, but dyed freshwater, oh yes! :D

so many pearls, so little time
You're right about marketing, of course, but it is also education if done in a classy way, IMO. Who would have thought purple (!!??) pearls would be such a hit? Or even peach?

you make a good point Pattye for brownish untreated Tahitians. The "choco" variety we see today is purely marketing hype in my opinion.
Great ring, Jos?. I would like to see more of your work with pearls.
Hi as soon as Ican I'll post some new designs.


Jos? Hadad
Here is a purple pearl. ;)


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I'm so happy - my guess was right! Beautiful pearl, Blaire.. thank you
You have a great eye. Actually, I thought Caitlin would have chimed in since it's her color! ;)
Thank you... I do like purple pearls, and have a great strand of multicolored Tahitians that has an "almost" purple...
why do we dye and colour treat pearls and take the mystique out of the beauty and rarity of these natural wonders??
I didn't even know Tahitians could come in that color! Thanks for the photo :)
Hey, where was that when I was looking for it? I was trying to find a Tahitian that color a couple weeks ago!
Hi Borah- the proper trade name for that hue of purple in a Tahitian pearl is Aubergine - French for Eggplant :)