Natural Black Pearls

  • Thread starter Thread starter Valeria101
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Just a striking thing, better shared than not!


Seller's description: "Pearl sautoir, strung on platinum, with diamond and platinum plaques and natural black pearls. American, ca. 1920."

and image

Been 'observing' this natural pearl necklace at the same source since early last Fall. Wonderful things! Serious buyer can obtain a quote on the pearls without the diamond/emerald clasp, but at $250K as-is this certainly contributed to my acquisition posture on Poe Pipi!

A piece right up my alley and would heartily congratulate its eventual purchaser (and offer him a few bottles of wine, maybe a piano or two…).



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Hi Valeria: Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that design is particularly attractive, too linear, not graceful. I might totally change my mind if I saw it on someone rather than just hanging but right now it looks like a waste of some beautiful pearls. Can you believe I'm that brazen to say that? :eek: I know, I'm in shock myself to be that full of myself. :o
Hi Valeria,

Well, I think that necklace is a stunner. I can just imagine it drapping down some flapper-style dress. I love jewelry in the Art Deco style. Thanks for posting! Love the necklace smetzler posted as well.
Hi Valeria,
Nice example of the art nouveau style. Platinum and black pearls, very classy.

Necklace in Art Nouveau style

Necklace in Art Nouveau style


it is lovely.
knotty panda said:
Hi Valeria: Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that design is particularly attractive, too linear, not graceful. ... Can you believe I'm that brazen to say that?

No way! It feels great to hear sincere opinion beyond the sticker shock... rare thing, these days! (beyond a couple of small and specialized web communities, like this). :cool:

It struck me as amuch as representative example of fine (Russian?) Art Deco, as anything.
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I like it too. I have always been a fan of the old stuff especially art deco style, but I'm really starting to have an appreciation for the chunky stuff from the 1940s now too. So is the color natural? They are non cultured?
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smetzler said:
... but at $250K as-is ...

Madre! I still have allot to learn about natural pearl valuation :D

Do you have any details about the emerald?
Valeria101 said:
Do you have any details about the emerald?

Since the necklace has been on offer for a considerable length of time (at least since 10/06 when I first found it) I did ask the seller if they would consider selling the pearls w/o clasp (properly certified natural acc seller). They said they would consider, but clearly were not offering any such valuation without getting a little more familiar with the potential buyer—a position I was not willing to put myself in at the time.

Any volunteers? Maybe your approach (ie 'clasp, no pearls') would be more effective?

smetzler said:
... they [...] were not offering any such valuation without getting a little more familiar with the potential buyer—a position I was not willing to put myself in at the time.

Same here, I am afraid.

Oh well...
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What a shame to be born beautiful instead of rich. Afraid I'll have to pass on these too, for the now :D and the next 5 decades. But I would love to see them.
There are those rents to pay in the big city?

But seriously, $250K is literally pocket change to Hudson Valley matrons and Wall Street types for an object of desire, and the fact that the natural pearl/emerald clasp necklace has remained unsold for nearly nine months (to my knowledge) is puzzling. Perhaps as the natural pearl market crashed particularly hard in New York back in the 1920s, its comeback there is equally difficult?

Or is the valuation completely off?

smetzler said:
...$250K is literally pocket change to Hudson Valley matrons and Wall Street types for an object of desire ...

Maybe that's the catch: that the mysterious sale should leave everyone confused but the types you mentioned. Selfselection! :p

Obviously, some pearl items trade within that range. So why not these ...

Do you think there are more strands like that then folks making twice that per year, for example? If so, all it takes is a wee' bit of convincing :o [where's that laughing emoticon, for crying out loud!]
Nonetheless it is a surprise the necklace has not sold by now, especially as
the internet extends its visibility worldwide to buyers in the Persian Gulf,
Europe and Asia (who additionally can take advantage of the historically
weak dollar!).

smetzler said:
Nonetheless it is a surprise the necklace has not sold by now...

Well... why, when one can go to shop the relative 'bargain basement' of top auction houses, LOL!
Correct, this is more appropriate auction material, or for retailers who have cultivated a natural pearl clientele. The NY retailer likely paid well below 10% of the asking price to the estate and would not be in a hurry to sell.

That necklace is amazing. I love the simple elegence of the linear style.
Can you imagine what 250k could buy from one of our respected forum vendors? Mmmm.....