Natural Basra Pearl


New Member
Jul 3, 2014
Good evening,
This is my first post on your website.
I have a natural Basra pearl string that I'd like to sell, that I have inherited from my great grandmother.
Where can I do so?
Thank you very much for your time and help.
I am not able to attach the picture


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Hi and welcome,

People here cannot help you sell your necklace but they can help you make sure what you've got so you don't misrepresent when selling. Please tell us more about the necklace, age, the provenance and why they would be pearls specifically from Basra.

- Karin
Oh, and they'll want to know the size of these pearls. If this is a necklace they look huge compared to the pictures I've seen here of pearls from Gulf. Plus the experts will probably also need closu-ups of the flaws - no flash, white background (can be a paper tissue).

- Karin
We love to figure out what we can when it comes to natural pearls. Now first, what kind of natural pearls are they supposed to be? Where would they have been from? They don't really look like Persian Gulf or Bahraini pearls and those are both the proper names for "Basra pearls". Basra pearls is a term used by ebay sellers- I have never heard it anywhere else.

I am not denying what you say, but let's get really careful and precise. A lot of people think real pearls are natural only. Real pearls can be either natural or cultured, so we need to clear up the meaning of that expression. it is just that most people really do not know pearl terms and tell their grand-kids the wrong story.

First, you need more and better pictures with close ups of some of the pearls like the one right in the center that has a dent or something similar. Please tell us the actual story, like how old your gt grandmother was and about when did she get the pearls about what year or decade. What size are they are what kind of findings or clasp does it have. Without actual equipment, we need excellent visuals to guide our attempts to tell you just what those pearls are.

So far, they do not look at all like natural pinctada radiatas, the actual species Persian Gulf pearls come from, but with more photos and info, we may be able to tell you more than that.

Please be cautious with any purchase; this photo looks more like mother of pearl beads made from shell than natural Basra pearls or cultured pearls. We have requested more and better photos as you have also done. As others have mentioned, this website is not for selling pearls.