Natural Abalone - Men's Jewelry


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I have Blaire to thank for this one. I have finally found an abalone pearl thick enough to drill a large enough hole to wear on leather.

abalone pearl 2.jpg

And a close shot.

Abalone pearls.jpg

I am doing an interview with Fox Business News on the 14th of August and plan to wear this pearl. It might be the debut of ab jewelery for men. Unfortunately, they are nearly impossible to make. This is only the second abalone pearl I've come across that would work well in my opinion. I let the first one go... Not this one!
It's awesome- i really like the raw, unfinished vibe of the piece- very manly!
I love the colours, Jeremy. And I agree with Ashley - it is indeed perfect for men.
Truly Fantastic,
I cannot resist asking : does it match the color of your eyes :cool:
Was that pearl on the PP web site about 3 months ago? My husband was lusting after a piece that looked just like that - he liked the shark's tooth look. Regardless, it looks great!
Whoa--that will stop traffic! At least sidewalk traffic! LOVE IT on you Jeremy,

so many pearls, so little time
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How about a monthly special for men? Maybe a tahitian on leather cord? You could time it with your interview and maybe get some other pictures of men in pearls on your website.

Not sure if there is a big enough demand, but just a thought.

I love your piece!
Simple is beautiful!
I always thought Conical(shape) is good for men's jewelry.
I wish I could watch the interview.
This makes wannabes out of all Tahitians on leather/rope (so sorry, Josh!). No doubt all Jeremy's regulars are going to want one. Should be an enlightening process for the 'cultured' crowd!

Just to add a personal note of thanks for giving abalone teeth, conicals, etc a desperately-awaited life beyond 'objets d'art.' These are individual pieces worth upwards of $2500, without adornment and with unlimited appeal to men that are accustomed to spending many times that on their significant others. Definitely need to see if I can make use of one or two of the PP pieces currently in my stash?
Wow Jeremy! I mean wow! Finally a pearl pendant for a man that I like.:cool: You've done it! I've been thinking in that direction--sort of--but I don't have the solids and certainly not the conicals so for the past couple of weeks I've been looking through my blisters and mabe's to see what I could come up with. It's sort of a reaction to all those round pearls on men that to me, I'm afraid, just didn't cut it. (Just a matter of personal taste--it's OK if others like them.:rolleyes:) However, as you stated, thickness is an issue and I did come to the conclusion that I would have to put together mabe's just to accommodate the leather or construct something of gold to serve the purpose. Trouble is--one does need the right shape as you have so beautifully illustrated. I think that the simplicity of your piece is a very important factor as well. Yes, by all means--You should wear it for the TV interview. It's a knockout!!

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When I see this piece my thoughts go way back to Homo sapiens and their necklaces with bear claws.... beautiful colour.
Very very nice, Jeremy - loads of style and it's uniquity will surely be a talking point for the interview... looks great!
I can't believe how happy it makes me to see that the pearl survived the drilling process to become a one-in-a-million necklace. And it's very fitting that it's going to be the signature jewelry of my favorite iconoclastic entrepreneur! :cool:

If it looks familiar, you probably saw the pearl first, here:

Jeremy, wear it in excellent health! ;)

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When I see this piece my thoughts go way back to Homo sapiens and their necklaces with bear claws.... beautiful colour.

My thoughts run in another manner, a more domesticated cave thing. Totally hot! The natural, conical, rare. I love it!
What a beautiful pearl! It looks of a kind. What a necklace!!