Nada97 is a swindler


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
There is a Swedish site called Tradera that are co-operating with eBay. I looked around for pearls the other day, you usually don?t find anything interesting but I found this:

The seller is claming that they are genuine saltwater pearls, but they look an awful lot like rice freshwater pearls to me, not like akoya at all, and they can?t be south seas because the size is 7-8 mm. So I mailed the seller and asked:

"How do you know that they are saltwaters?"

She said that she knew it because they were shipped from Phuket. I told her about saltwater pearls and said that they just can?t be saltwater pearls. The arguments I heard was:

"I know more about Asia than you do."

"They are being cultivated from under the sea. No one can decide what size they are."

And when I showed her lots of pages with information about REAL south sea pearls she said:

"You can?t be sure if what?s on the internet is true. If you want to know what?s really true then go to Thailand."

This is just so sad, I get upset thinking about the people that have already bougth her "south sea" pearls for more than 300 sek, when they are worth perhaps 50. And she just wont listen to me. So I`ve decided to contact Tradera and tell them about this, and also tell people about her on this forum, in case any Swedish people that are thinking of buying her pearls are clever enough to make research before buying.

Her alias is Nada97.

I filed a report on these ricepearls.
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Chinese freshwater rice pearls, about $1 per strand in that size and quality. There is certainly nothing Thai about those pearls.
Great catch Mervione:
I have a few little SS keishi and one of them looks vaguely rice'ish but I also have a necklace like the one you showed. If they were saltwater as claimed they would take a long time to collect and be very expensive for that shape and size. My little necklace is definitely CFW. If Akoya it would take years to get that big/ again pricey. Great job!! The Pearl Police strike again!
Thanks everyone for the great feedback! I hope she sees this, especially what Jeremy said about the price of it because she told me:

"If I want to sell freshwaters I could sell them for 10 sek per strand."

and her "saltwaters" are even cheaper!
I just looked at the description again. I did not realize the seller was referring to the length with the 7-8 mm. I thought it was the diameter. The diameter is in the 5-6 mm range. That means I made a mistake in my evaluation. The strands would cost much less than $1 each in China in that size and quality;)

Not only do some swindlers never learn, they also never die. They keep coming back to life under different guises.

The though of some trusting person paying out their hard earned money for something worth less than a dollar a strand really bugs me!!

She said that she knew it because they were shipped from Phuket.

She's shipping them from 'Phuket'... phonetically, at least. :D

I've messaged a few people who appeared to be novice sellers to point out that they didn't really have what they listed and the response has always been hostile and defensive.

I don't do it often -- As I've mentioned before, I think holding eBay sellers to account is a bigger job than I want to tackle, particularly if it's obvious that they're misrepresenting. Good shell pearls listed as SSP bother me more. But great job on getting the listing pulled-- eBay doesn't like having to repeatedly cancel listings, so this person will probably lose their account in time. It may not shut her down, but it's a big hassle.