My wedding necklace!


New Member
Mar 31, 2012
I know I've been a long time gone, but I've had my reasons... marriage being one of them. Thought I'd pop back in to show you the necklace I made for the occasion!



The golden pearl is a South Seas keshi I bought from IndoSeaPearls on Etsy (whose reopening I keep waiting for). I patterned the two designs off of a couple of Victorian-era lavalier necklaces.

Bonus action shot:

Oh, absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures -- and that neck shot. WOW! I wish you a lifetime of happiness together.
That's a wonderful result, kithplana! Your thread is one of my favorites.
Happy future :D
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So lovely with your dress! I can only guess how many hours you invested in this :)
Absolutely stunning and is perfect with your wedding dress! Congratulations!
Congratulations and what a beautiful necklace.
Wow - what a lovely and creative piece! You are obviously a talented artist and I wish you love and happiness in your new marraige!
You're very talented! That's an heirloom piece of jewerly and congratulations on your marriage.
I know I've been a long time gone, but I've had my reasons... marriage being one of them. Thought I'd pop back in to show you the necklace I made for the occasion!

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The golden pearl is a South Seas keshi I bought from IndoSeaPearls on Etsy (whose reopening I keep waiting for). I patterned the two designs off of a couple of Victorian-era lavalier necklaces.

Bonus action shot:

View attachment 34152

That is just about the most wonderful wedding pearl necklace I have seen in years! The lucky groom is getting a talented and resourceful wife. I am so impressed. Nothing impresses me as much as people who make beautiful things for their own lives, by hand.
That's a remarkable necklace, Kithplana, and so perfect with the lace and neckline of your wedding dress :) Might you share a bit of construction details with us? I'm curious what the backing of the scroll work pieces is, and how you applied the pearls ... Congratulations on your wedding!
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words!

CathyKeshi, I posted here a couple years ago about my process. There's a bunch of details at . In brief, I used 3D modeling software and the Shapeways 3D printing service to get the backing made, and the pearls are strung on a doubled length of Nymo 00 and lashed on with another strand of Nymo. The back of the pieces get painted with PVA glue at the end.
I figured if you invested so much effort into the preparation, then you must have followed through. It's utterly delightful! :)