My tahitian pearls

And I have to say...not only are the pearls and jewelry styles magnificent, but the quality of the photo composition and the photos! My hat off :cool:
Thank you Bweaves and CortezPearls. I am happy that someone likes my creations and photos. It's my favorite thing to do on my free time, create pearl creations, well I do love to play with colors, and taking photos of them.
It's also been the year of the bracelets. I make bracelets, I remake them, I use the pearls to make ropes, make new bracelets and so forth. I have completely lost track of my bracelets. I have two categories of them now. Those with clasps, I use those to make a strand a la eolian pearls style. Connecting two bracelets, an extender and an enhancer and voila a necklace. Then there are the stretch bracelets with a carved bead to hide the knot. I use those as accual bracelets. Since they are on stretch I can rinse those of. At the moment I have these three tahitian bracelet with clasps. They are all from cmw pearls. First the green one.
It really is very green. Then the blue one.
That blue one is great with my other blue tahitians. Then the rainbow bracelet. First with those pretty earrings from Pearlescence.
Just to connect. The enhancers are from Pearlsociety
Bweaves, those skulls are great for hiding the knots. I add a tiny bit of glue as well. They are sturdy as well, when I remake the bracelets I use my plyers to remove the stretch cord, and not a scratch. My two currently tahitian stretch bracelets with red jasper skulls. It's the rainbow ones that I made with pearls from my leftover pile.
They are prettier in real life. Very colorful.
Thank you Pattye. How big were those pearls? I tried to make one with really big south sea pearls but it didn't look good worn. I think that somewhere between 9-12mm are both comfortable and pretty. But then I had those big tahitian bracelets from Cees that were amazing. I made a rope out of them.
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More testing. Rainbow bracelet from cmw pearls with a light golden south sea bracelet
And then maybe a photo of that green tahitian bracelet from cmw pearls with my green tahitian studs from Pearlescence
And one of that blue bracelet from cmw pearls
yay I figure out how to write between the photos.
This is my third version of a black and white strand and I much prefer it to the previous two. I made this one with really dark circled tahitians from OceansRhyme, Druzydesign and my leftover pile, the white south sea pearls are from Pearlescence and OceansRhyme
I usually wears this one with my white south sea studs.
That's wierd, when on zoom in on my photos on my phone they are super sharp. Maybe they gets less clear with the upload
It appears that I forgot to upload my ombre ombre tahitian strand in this tread. I call it ombre ombre because it is made out of two ombre strands in different sizes, a smaller ombre ombre strand in between the bigger one. I love those blue and green colors and can stare at it almost forever and as evident rearrange it forever...
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The bigger tahitians are from Pearlescence and the smaller ones from Druzydesign.
I like the "Ombre Ombre" naming you use :)
And the combo of small pearls and larger ones looks really nice too!
Thank you CortezPearls. I wasn't sure when I first did the layout but it turned out better than could be expected. Sometimes the pearls sort of demands not to be placed symmetrical. Don't know why really.
Thank you CortezPearls. I wasn't sure when I first did the layout but it turned out better than could be expected. Sometimes the pearls sort of demands not to be placed symmetrical. Don't know why really.

It's an Art Form to get this. I cannot say I'm this kind of artist...but many here on the forum (such as you) are FANTASTIC!
Thank you CortezPearls, I do love playing with colors and shapes. With pearls, or quilt (even though I haven't really sewn much the last couple of years) or plants.
And it shows :)