My south sea tin cup summer project

Those pearls are really beautiful. Love how the necklace turned out!
So I couldn't wait for my gold vermeil chain to arrive and I had to do an other project first. The pearls I have ordered from Wen last year, but I didn't knew, ehat to do with them. So I took a silver chain and made a station necklace. The pictures are not good, because it's already late, but here is my new necklace with blueish-purplish-greenish FW drops on silver chain.

Wire wrapping is just contagious!! I have already 3 other projects on my mind!!!


Better pictures and neckshots coming tomorrow!!
Nicely done! I love the colors. Now you'll be in practice when the gold vermeil chain arrives!
Ohhh, can't wait to see neckshots of both tin cups! Both are spectacular in different ways!
Today I managed to take a much better picture! I love the colors. The chain could be more fine, but I had only this one.


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I also think the chain looks nice. Love the different colors. What size pearls are they?
I agree, the chain seems very well balanced with the size of your luscious pearls. Well done!
Amti according to item description they are 9-10 mm pearls. I haven't measured them, but some are obviously bigger others smaller. They could be a tad bigger, but I really bought them for the color.
asurazzy, your necklace turned out great! Yes to neck-shots!

Katalin, the chain looks perfect, little ovals to echo the shape of the pearl!
So long story short, I've finished yesterday my tincup. Originally I wanted to incorporate some gold connector pieces, but I haven't had the patience to wait for them, so I decided to use a few moonstones.
I'm not quite satisfied with the chain, although I've ordered it from the same Etsy vendor, as I have ordered my rose gold vermeil chain. I've ordered a yellow gold vermeil this time with seemingly the same measurements according to the product description , and this is what I've got:
As you can see, the rose gold chain below is much finer, and I wanted to have this look.

But at the end I wanted to try it with this chain, and this is the result:

And an obligatory neckshot:

If I find a better chain I may redo it at one point, but now I'm going to just wear it, and see, if I like it.
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Oooooh! Lovely necklace! I like the chain with those pearls. The GSS and the WSS work so well together, the moonstones are lovely and your wire wrapping is very well done. The length suits you, as well! Let's see if I can make you right-side up!
Cicadalady - thank you for turning the picture around! I should learn, how to do it!
I really like it! And Cicadalady, for being relatively new, you've really caught on! I thought only admins could fix photos.