My Sea of Cortez mabes


Oct 6, 2014
I thought of waiting until I had time to take proper snaps but then that's probably like never since life as a working mum with two kids under two is madness...

So here are some pics I took in a hurry this morning. No time to edit but I think they look stunning anyway. Using my trusty iPhone of course.

Added a shell to my collection

In bright daylight next to the window

In shaded daylight

And this is my fav pic of the lot so far...
Just look at those colors!

Special thanks to Douglas for picking out these beauties.
Icy - your SoC Mabes are STUNNING! Can't wait to see how you end up setting them.

Looks like lilliefuzzysocks's recent stunning mabe set by Sarah at Kojima and BAS' majestic mabe set by John at PP is starting a stampede! ;)
BAS' set tipped me over the edge actually... I always find reading the forum threads highly dangerous... Never know when I will see something that will deal heavy damage to my bank balance...
Lol Icy I can't agree more! My eyes pooped out when I saw both lilliefuzzysocks & BAS' Mabe sets!!! Love them both!!!
Gorgeous, can't wait to see what you come up with for those mabes.
Icy -- welcome to the mabe family! And man, do you have some beauties!!! I can hardly wait to see what you do with them! Keep us posted, please!
Icy those are just TDF mabe pearls. The colors are just beautiful. I can't wait to see how you have them set. More pictures please :)
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My first gut response was for you to glue them to your fingernails!
Wow incredible pearls! Look at that colour!! Your SoC shell is gorgeous too.
Congrats on your mabes, Icy!
Thank you everyone!

I have not decided what to do with the mabes but i definitely see a pair of dangling earrings, a pendant and a ring... Still thinking about the rest and I also need to find a jeweller whom I'm comfortable to hand these beauties over to.