I’m speculating that the high choker is suspended (by braids, braided ribbon, and other decorative elements) from perhaps a wig, or an elaborate hair arrangement including little poufs or ‘mice’. I think anyone who could afford pearls like that would also have a maid to dress her hair or wigs.
My great-granny had little poufs of her own collected hair. She had them on her vanity. They were used to supplement thinner hair, or as a foundation to wind her own hair over, or with.
For your daughter, I’d say a headband and the necklace suspended from the bottom of the headband under her hair. Perhaps picture a French brain, then at the top of the neck/base of the skull where you’d put a hair bow over elastic, you can clasp the necklace through the elastic. I think that requires the usual length necklace.
I wonder, given the smaller size of the ‘loop’ pearls, if the loop of pearls at the bottom is a play at wearing a necklace clasp to front, with the pearls knotted near the clasp, as usual, with that leaving room to juuuust cross one side over the other. Flirtatious implications of the finger twisting the necklace into a loop, without the obvious vulgarity of a finger actually poking through the loop. Flirtatious but Still Virtuous.

Picture one of your graduated white strands and marvelous jeweled clasps...
(instead of my unknotted strand, attached temporarily in an ungainly fashion to a fashion clasp)
The necklace and cameo look beautiful!