Ick, it's snowing. Gets all slippery. Yesterday I played some with my newish ropes. I am really smitten by that white south sea rope. The luster is amazing and the shapes are fun. Some of the big pearls have some green and blue overtones and the occational faint green or blue band around them. Most of these pearls are from Pearlescence.

It looks especially good with my ombre blue circled tahitian rope from cmw pearls.

That blue ombre rope is another one I love. It turned out so great and with very little effort.

The blue rope with my new akoya rope.

The akoya rope is great for layering. The silvery blue akoyas are from Pearlescence, the silver tahitians from Cees, one blue green tahitian pearl are from cmw pearls and the rest of them are from my leftover pile. With my south sea rope.

And with my ombre tahitian rope from Cees.

I also took some photos of my new tahitian rope but the light was so faint that the photos didn't really do it justice. The silvery blue akoya rope looks great though.

And I really do love my new waverope that I made with vintage akoya pearls and blue green tahitians from cmw pearls. I accually wore it twice this week.

I have also been playing with those carved octopus pearls. I had never seen a carved pearl before, they are quite interesting. I wouldn't want a whole strand but perfect as pendants. With my circled golden south sea bracelet, the vermeil bead that holds the knot is from agustus-collection as is the carved pendants.

I couldn't decide what earrings to wear with them, so I used these deep golden south sea studs from Oceanscove and matchen the findings and chain.


They would look great as a mismatched pair of earrings if the bail had been turned, but then I couldn't use them as pendants. I could add a jumpring but I don't think that that would look good.
A photo of my newish mixed sizes tahitian rope from my arcive. The pearls are mostly from Cees, with some pearls from Druzydesign.

I really like this one as well. Mostly my new ropes are around 40 inches, this one is 45 inches long, except for my ombre blue tahitian rope, that is 30,5 inches. The blue ombre is made out of 4 bracelets, that's why.