I did finally make a strand with those tiny akoya keshis. I am sure that whomever drilled those are blind now. Such tiny pearls and even smaller drillholes. Had to use beading wire, the first try with the tahitian drops and the red jasper skull was pretty, but the skull kept flipping upside down. Cut that apart. Then I tried with just the tahitian drop pearls, not bad but I still wasn't happy with it. Now I have put some of those golden south sea ripple pearls with them and also two small copper tahitian drop pearls. The akoya keshis and the golden south sea ripples are from Pearlescence. Don't remembed where I got those copper tahitians from.

I think that it looks really pretty now.

I did use those tahitian drops with the iolites that I recently bought. I might have bought some of the drop tahitians from Wen Pearls.

I think that this one is even prettier.

Those two strands are a lot like the two strands I made this summer, the ombre sapphire and tahitian one and the neon apatites and tahitian one. Ok, the akoya keshis aren't gemstones, but I did have to use beading wire because of the drillholes. I only ever use beading wire if there is no other option, except for with my tassels that is. I really do prefer beader secret.

The tahitians that I used with the neon blue apatites are mostly from Cees and the tahitians I used with the ombre sapphires are from Wen Pearls.

The beading wire family (not quite, there are some strands and ropes that I use as chains and the tassels then)

I asked my daughter which one she thought was prettiest and she said the iolites one.