My pearls

I have played some with my strands this weekend, most of my strands have that nifty little clasp from Beedsfeeder on etsy. It is so practical, pretty and I haven't had a problem with it for over a year. It also makes hooking strands together to make ropes really easy.
On my ombre tahitian rope and on my rikitea strand, both from Cees, I have vintage clasp. Pretty, but not connectable. Sometimes I worry that I will destroy them because I use the strands so much. I am accually thinking about restringing them. Maybe letting the ombre rope be a continues one so that I can change the position of the pearls without a clasp being in the way.
Then I looked at my rope of blue akoyas from Pearlescence, that have circled grey tahitians and golden south sea pearls in it. Maybe it would look better with just the blue akoyas and the greenish golden south sea pearls in it. If I don't like it I can always restring it again.
A lot of restringing if I don't change my mind. That's why I always have to buy more Beaders secret tread...
Thank you Pareltje, I love ombres to. I love watching them, examining the pearls and ponder over the shade. Did you see the pink and purple ones Wendy made after Hongkong. So pretty. I know I would gladly make ombre all day, only lackning the pearls, haha.
Dangerous! I want an ombre strand made of the color graduations of natural freshwater, south sea, akoya and Fiji and Tahitian pearls. How long will it be?
Pareltje, if you want all of the colors there is it will be quite long. What size of pearls would you use or would you have random sizes, like a harvest style strand, and concentrate on the colors? No sea of cortez pearls?
Pareltje, if you want all of the colors there is it will be quite long. What size of pearls would you use or would you have random sizes, like a harvest style strand, and concentrate on the colors? No sea of cortez pearls?

Please don't start me into this LOL. No I won't add SOC pearls. I think a combination of freshwater, south sea and Tahitian pearls are enough... There should be a limit to the length, though because it will be too heavy to wear. I'd probably concentrate on the shape and colors only (for example 9 mm and baroque).
That would probably be very pretty Pareltje. Are you going to collect them yourself over time or ask someone to help you create it.
That would probably be very pretty Pareltje. Are you going to collect them yourself over time or ask someone to help you create it.
I'd collect them myself over time as I have some loose pearls in my stash. Maybe I'll repurpose other pearls from my necklaces... Let's see.
Pareltje, I would love to see some photos of the work in progress when you start to assembly the strand.
I remade my greenish golden south sea strand and bracelet from Kongspearl. I needed the light est pearls for my blue akoya rope. Well the bracelet is gone and the golden strand about 18 inches.
The lightbox doesn't show what the pearls really looks like. A before photo.
I remade a pair of keshi earrings recently. I wirewrapped the silver keshis on a pair of blue topaz studs. The earrings look great together with my silver tahitian strand from Cees and my blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence.
I bought 2 strands of white baby ripples from Pearlescence. I haven't decided what to do with them yet, maybe creates something with other pearls as well. They are very pretty and accually nests perfectly as they are now.
All crinkly and pretty. Maybe a rope of some kind. I bought smaller once since I don't like my bigger once, they are just to big for me. And look how pretty those clasps are, like little belts.
Gorgeous keshi earrings. They look so wonderful with the blue topaz gemstones. I love your new baby ripples. Such a fresh twist to the classic white pearl necklace.