My new peach FW baroques!!


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
AAAAAA!!!! I just got my PP 36" strand of FW peach baroques!! They are even more gorgeous-er (the technical term) than I hoped. I'm so glad I sent back the multicolored ones and went for the straight peach. Gahhh! I just can't keep looking at each one!

Everyone will graciously refrain from noticing my lack of neck. I probably won't be wearing them like this, as I still find that length a bit short. I'll probably wear them as a long strand...

Anyway, without further ado....


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Pattye, I think I may agree with you. Freshadamas are gorgeous, and I'll admit I've not seen a full necklace of them yet, (I suspect I will though), but I don't see how anything could be lovelier than these. They're just incredible! And I feel like a goofball....going through the entire strand one by one...ooh! I like THAT one...and THAT one!

Need to have my head examined.

After I finish LOOKING at my pearls! ;)
I love baroques. The ones that you are showing to us here are lovely on you!! congratulation !!
And I feel like a goofball....going through the entire strand one by one...ooh! I like THAT one...and THAT one!

Need to have my head examined.

They're gorgeous. You're toast. ;)
Gorgeous pearls, beautiful neck.
And it's nice to see how good peach pearls can look, too.
Welcome to the Goofball club, Ksinger......:D
Thanks all for the nice comments!

I know that there seems to be a dearth of girls who like, or maybe more correctly, can WEAR, peach pearls, and that whites might show up better, but I really fell in love with the peach ones on the multicolored strand I ended up sending back. And as nice as that strand was, this one simply took my breath away when I opened it up. The orient on those things are just insane, and the depth of color is mesmerizing. I really do find myself just gazing at each one. :eek:

Are redheads supposed to be wearing peach pearls (she questions, after the deed is done)? What is the conventional wisdom here? I know everyone is supposed to look good in rose overtones... I do know that I don't have yellow in my skin, but more of a cool tone. And except for the overexposed chest area, I'm pasty white with freckles. Just your basic redhead. ;)

Oh well, it matters not. As has been said, it's too late: I'm toast!
Wow, they really do look terrific on you. And I know the fun of "pearl watching"! Congratulations! ;)
Are redheads supposed to be wearing peach pearls (she questions, after the deed is done)? What is the conventional wisdom here? I know everyone is supposed to look good in rose overtones... I do know that I don't have yellow in my skin, but more of a cool tone. And except for the overexposed chest area, I'm pasty white with freckles. Just your basic redhead. ;)

Conventional wisdon or sillyness of fashion.

Personally I think the later.

Remember at one time in "historical fashon": redheads were not allowed to wear green

From another "basic" redhead.. well no I am neither basic nor normal But I digress....

Honey we can get away with more than most and break many of the "rules of fashion" just becasue we are redheads!

So wear what you like.. No correct that better yet, wear what you really LOVE and it will show, as it does in your pictures. does not matter if its "breaking the rules" or not. Being a red head is partly a matter being an exception to many "rules", and having LOTS of fun with it.

You are doing great. Keep it up!

Those pearls look fabulous on you!


Dear Karen:
You look adorable in your peach pearls. I'm happy to see someone besides myself who loves them. I'm always amazed when I hear that lavendar is the best color. Of course there are those great copper overtoned lavendar freshadama. But you know, I spent the year lusting after a bigger white strand which I didn't end up getting. I keep playing with the peach.

Oh your peach pearls are lovely. Such beautiful intense colors and wildly swirling bumps and riviting rioting colors!! And yes, redheads MUST wear peach! (I am Irish and have red 'overtones'.) Gosh why didn't I just get more peach like you? Well, enjoy them to the fullest, and love, love, love, love them, with all your heart.

And don't feel too bad at some point in the future when the obsession grabs hold of you and you develop a new love. Some other color, or maybe you'll get earrings to match. You aren't being unfaithful. Because of course you will always love these the best. And you can't limit your cute little neck to one strand can you?

Excuse me, I simply must go look at my exotics....
Thanks for sharing your experience and pictures with us.
HA! I knew that the proper justifications would come! :D Thanks to you both, Satine and Barbie!

I already had one compliment on them. Unsolicited adn from a MAN no less...said the color looked good on me. How cool is that??

I really do love them, although I'm still not convinced I will leave them in one strand. Doubled like that I still find them a bit short, and I had a pearl shortener around somewhere but of course now I can't find it. I think one of those might add just that little bit of length I am more comfortable with. But I'm NOT ready to do my own knotting just yet, so nothing will be happening right away. Somehow I think I'll deal. Right now I just got some french wire and a clasp for the necklace that I didn't get to finish last week, so I need to work on that.
Dear Karen:
Good to hear. The french wire is a little bit of a trick. Getting the length of the wire right and such. Knotting practice is fun. And really I do think you are smart to begin with a strand of large pearls. I foolishly began with a strand of very small pearls which I knotted over and over for about a year until I got it reasonably right. Then, almost immediately, I discovered french wire and had to do it again! Argh. But, of course it was all worth while.

Isn't it all such fun?

I feel like a goofball....going through the entire strand one by one...ooh! I like THAT one...and THAT one!

Need to have my head examined.

After I finish LOOKING at my pearls! ;)

The technical term is Nacre Covered Nutcase (NCN) and there is no cure. Symptoms include random giggling, talking to pearls, and lots of drooling. And they are beautiful!
It's when you go to sleep with them that you know you have it bad...
Wow! Now I totally regret not getting them... they look FANTASTIC on you! The colors are sooo pretty. Great choice!