My new Edison strand from PP


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
Here are the Edison pearls that I just received from Pearl Paradise...all I can say is let the photos speak for themselves. The strand is 31 pearls of 12-15mm size. They are stunning and to me look as nice as some of the south sea pearls I have seen...although never in these gorgeous colors. The colors are quite soft yet bold and the luster is really wonderful. You can see my iPhone in some of the shots. I also threw in a picture of my ming strand for a comparison. The on the neck shots have some weird stripes showing, they are NOT on the pearls and must be some sort of camera shadowing.

I love them and have to give a wonderful shout out to Mia and Kim from Pearl Paradise who were ever so helpful with my selection. Great customer service.



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that's such a beautiful strand, i love the colors and it layered with the other necklace too!
Thanks! I just looked at the pictures again, and wow my neck looks awful in that 6th picture! Must have been holding my chin in a weird way...Don't know why I didn't crop it...oh well. These are really wonderful. I cannot imagine that the other strands are as nice as least I keep telling myself that so I am not tempted to purchase another! I have decided they look wonderful with rose gold, amethyst, smokey quartz and citrine.
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Spectacular necklace! Wear it in good health!
JerseyPearl, your new strand of Edison pearls is breathtakingly beautiful, congratulations!
Your Edison strand is quite beautiful. What do you mean by Edison strand? Since I'm learning would this strand be considered very high luster--seems so to me.
Thank you again everyone! I haven't taken them off, except to sleep and shower! I really can't thank all of the enablers, and of course the PP customers service...Kim and Mia were so helpful for this first time PP buyer. It most certainly won't be my last purchase either....I NEED earrings