Fabulous collection, hope you are planning on keeping them! I second the suggestion about the safe deposit box, that solves the insurance problem for now, and a tiny shot glass with a little water in it inside the container to protect the pearls is what our local fine jewelry pearl wholesaler recommends. Your pearls should be safe unless the bank literally blows up. Don't pick a bank in a flood zone however. For 20 bucks or so get a small portable gram scale, any local pawn shop or jeweler can tell you where to find one in your city, then you can weigh your own jewelry. On those that have the gold marked as to its fineness, you can go to a site called "silver recyclers", and insert your weights by either grams or pennyweight (dwp) and enter the correct fineness of gold (or silver if you have that too), and get a pretty accurate SCRAP value for the gold. That would be the least your item would be worth without the pearls. Multiply that by at least 2 times or more for retail value, in your case as these are old, probably multiply it by 4. Then go to several of the fine pearls sites on the web, such as Pearl Paradise to get an idea on RETAIL prices for the pearls, then check ebay for a general idea of WHOLESALE TO LOW RETAIL for the pearls, etc and get an idea of what the pearls go for unmounted. On any unmarked jewelry that you think is real gold, assume 10K which is usually the lowest fineness that would be used (although they did some pretty fabulous antique jewelry in gold filled as well). Doing all this actually takes very little time and will give you a ball park amount of the least and a guess as to retail for your collection. In the evenings while relaxing at your tv is a good time to cruise RubyLane where you very well might find things similar to yours, those prices would be low to high retail.
All the pieces are quite lovely, you are very lucky! P.S Do not store any of the jewelry that has pearls in plastic bags for any length of time, get some cheap velvet bags or wrap them in small pieces of fabric when putting in the lock box. A home safe would work also, but if you get robbed, most crooks are strong enough to dislodge and just carry a small safe out the door.
Daddys Little Pearl
Antiques Jewelry & Sacred Treasures on RubyLane