My May 2015 purchase - vacation pearls

The first one has such lovely blend of colors! oh my - beauty.
And the eggplant - very creative! Perfect eggplant!

Thanks for posting these gorgeous pearls - well done - lovely purchase.

Would love to hear, as everyone else, where you got them!

Thank you all for your kind comments. ***Wave*** back at you.

The pictures were not edited except for the gecko. It was dark so I brightened the exposure a bit.

We were on Rarotonga and Aitutaki for two weeks. These are Cook Islands pearls (CI).

The keshi strand is 20" long. I think I got it for a really good price at $398 US. This came from a Punanga Nui Market vendor with certificate of authenticity that it is CI pearls . . The eggplant is from Goldmine. The "moko" pendant is from Bergman & Sons. Moko means lizard, gecko, or tattoo in Maori. Steve Metzler (refer to the first and second ruckus or nautilus pearl threads) has purchased from Bergman because he posted here. The tricolor pearl is from Beachcomber Pearl Market, Bergman's sister company.

There is a Cook Islands Pearl Authority (CIPA). CIPA states that pearl retailers and vendors are required to clearly label all imported pearls regarding their origin, type and treatment. I did not visit all pearl shops. But some of the shops sell FW pearls and they are labeled as such. Vendors at Punanga Nui Market also distinguish FW from CI pearls. I did not see anyone trying to cheat tourists by selling dye FW as CI pearls.


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CIPA promotes Avaiki pearls. See post # 26's picture. "Avaiki is the registered brand name for premium CI pearls in grades A, B, C that are produced only by accredited farmers who meet the required performance benchmarks and standards for sustainable farming and quality assurances. Its aim is to reposition CI pearls in the high-end international jewelry market through a network of accredited wholesalers and retailers." Four retailers that sell Avaiki pearls are Moana Gems, Goldmine, Paka's Pearls and The Pearl Lounge (see right corner of picture). I went to all except The Pearl Lounge. IMO Moana Gems and Goldmine have nice merchandise. Interestingly Bergman & Sons has nice quality pearls but is not a CIPA retailer. Paka's Pearls has mostly medium quality pearls, not many items in the store has excellent luster.


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Gift shops also sell pearl shells as buckles (per the signs). They also promote them as sarong/pareo ties. I don't see how anyone can wear buckle that large and be able to sit down. I bought two to use as scarf rings for larger square scarves and wraps. Can you see the fish? I searched but cannot find anyone who sells these on the internet. MOP scarf rings sold are just oval with a bar in the middle, and are not large enough to accommodate wraps. These are from Island Craft. They have a website but do not list these scarf rings.


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Speaking of pearls and MOP, these are pictures of MOP inlays on canoe and bar stools ( I think paua).


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The giant clams (Tridacna Gigas) live on the Cook Islands too. We went on a snorkeling trip to see some clams. They have baby ones in a cage. The larger ones are on the ocean floor and not caged. I don't have under water pictures. Some smaller clam shells are used as toiletries holder in the bathroom and as decoration by the pool.


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Tridacna crocea lives here too. They can grow as large as 6" across. These pictures are taken standing up with mid-calf water level. I throw in the sea urchin as bonus (the hand is for size reference).


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Great, colorful pearls, as always! You and DH find rare beauties, all terrific! Will we be seeing them in person at the Ruckus? (hope, hope)

Thank you Pattye. This trip has depleted my pearl fund. I hope to be able to make it next year.
Stunning pearls and looks a great trip.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for all of the info on CI and their pearls! Sounds like you had a great vacation!
So sorry we won't see you in July, but ... Cathy, what a way to deplete your pearl fund! Thanks for all the information, and taking us on a bit of your trip ... lovely :)
Wow, what a beautiful place to visit! Thanks for sharing your photos.
What a great trip! Thanks for sharing your images! I love the colors in the tri-color, but I think I like the eggplant best! Enjoy; you have some very nice souvenirs!