My Hong Kong shopping

I actually thought you were a professional designer when i first saw something you made. Your creations are totally unlike anything else, yet, they are the very latest word in style. Maybe you should adopt a "one pair for me, one for sale" attitude, when you make them. Or buy some with that in mind next time you go to HK!

I think you could take a collection to a high end retail jeweler and "allow" them to carry your exclusive designs! They are that good! You have a recognizable style already!

And you are a teacher/professor? What subject?
Thanks, Caitlin, very encouraging words that brings pleasure to my heart. Am at crossroads in my career (trained in theatre and English, was an educator, then an administrator/ head, and currently am in education policy where I implement, teach and research). The latter, research, is a particular challenge; am worried I am never going to make the grade (it's been 2 years and the clock is ticking FAST) and will have to settle as a failed would-have-been academic.

It's painful to have to admit that, (carthartic as well), but it's been quite a challenge with the moving back and forth with two young kids in tow. And beading and pearling is a very cherished outlet that goes on deep into the night.
that's how it started with me. (just to warn you!)
Absent the paperwork and a very few unpleasant people I think I am having more fun now than I have had since I was starting out as a journalist many many years ago.
A journalist! Now you are a lady after my own heart... it has always been my childhood dream to be a writer; in fact I could have settled for far less. A little anecdote from my teen years: I wanted so much to be a 'namer' i.e. to bestow names upon things. You know, like nail polish (Purplelicious), condominiums (Halcyon Heights) and movies (Debi Does Dirty) :o

As or the pearls, I am going to try to heed your advice. Every time I entertain ideas of going to one of these big shows, my head screams, "Watch out, slippery slope ahead!" Of course, my heart knows no such rationale thing.
And that is why you need to get selling - think of all the pearls you can then buy with a clear conscience...'It's business...!'
After being a journalist for ten years I re-trained as a lawyer (trust me i'm a journalist and a lawyer) but pearls is the best fun
Adeline, I *LOVE* your designs! Would you consider selling some of them? If so, is there a way I can contact you directly?

I am drooling over your pearl and multi-stone earrings...

Adeline, I *LOVE* your designs! Would you consider selling some of them? If so, is there a way I can contact you directly?

I am drooling over your pearl and multi-stone earrings...


Adeline, I am telling you - you are getting a fan club here!!
Not sure if this will work...... it's a 'cross-quote' from the 'Outrageous Octopus' (SSP) thread !!

Hi Adeline - I just took a peek in your album - I think they are some of the most beautiful pearls and pictures I have seen on PG - if I had to choose - then maybe this pair of earrings
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