My Graduated Gemfresh pearls from Pearl outlet!


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
I have to say that Pearl outlet has great service. I received my order extremely fast, and the pearls are just beautiful!




sorry my pictures aren't that great, I am not that experienced at taking pictures of pearls...
That is a very beautiful strand. You did a great job taking pictures. I saw the rose overtone and slight hint of green too. Congratulations on acquiring a great piece!
What a beautiful strand. I see the colors too! Nice clasp by the way.
So when is your wedding?
Hi KelleyK,

Ditto, ditto, ditto!!! You will be a spectacular bride! We will want to see photos in full dress, of course!

so many pearls, so little time
Great strand. They look very lovely and I'm sure will look great on your wedding day.
You really are Lucky Kelly! Those are very wedding-worthy pearls. You made a wonderful choice, and just think, you know what your next object of desire is -- lavender Freshadamas -- how fun! ;)
Lucky lucky kelley k! Your strand is absolutely beautiful - gorgeous colours and I am sure it is the right choice. I can see it becoming an heirloom already! Thank you for showing us your choice - it is just perfect. PLEASE post some photos after the wedding, too!
Kelly, those pearls are fabulous! The graduated look is so fashionable at the moment, what a perfect choice you have made.
I was hoping you would pick the graduated strand.Wear it well. I am moving this threasd to the weddings secction so future brides can follow our comments on htis topic more easily.:)
Me too. There's nothing more beautiful than a graduated strand. Hands down the best choice.
They really are beautiful.
What size(s) do they graduate from and to?
How long is the strand?
It looks rather long to me, but that could just be the angle of the photos.
Congratulations on the wedding and the pearls. You surely will be a beautiful bride. :)
Hi, those look lovely! Any chance of a pic of them worn? Would love to see how the graduated sizing goes, on the neck. :)
congrats!! :)

how about a modelling shot?

i was eyeing on those too but wondering how it would look on me....i've never worn a graduated strand before.
Hi, Luckykelleyk, we lost your pic of your graduated bridal necklace because flicker expired:(. Any chance of reposting photos, when you aren't busy?