Non-pearl item question

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My lil sister just got engaged. :D I would like to get her a silver pendant with her new initials-to-be, but the only letter pendants I can find either have a single letter or 3 letters monogram-style. I don't care for the monogram style, and it wouldn't work anyway because she has 2 middle names. I really just want a single pendant with 2 letters. Does anyone have any idea where I can find such an item? Thanks.
You can have one custom-made by a metalsmith around your area or maybe some sellers here in the forum are into metalsmithing. Not sure though but silver is not an expensive material so maybe it would not cost a lot if you had one custom-made. Congratulations to your sister!
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Hi Mike,

I have another idea. If engraving is ok, then how about a locket? You can get them in silver, gold, platinum. I know they are kinda old-fashioned, but I got one for my wedding and some other friends have too. (I got married in 2004, so fairly recently). There are many locket designs on the internet to peruse, and some of the enameled ones are gorgeous. And, of course, she can use it for pictures. For example, one side could be you and her as children with the other side for her and her husband. Or the inside can be engraved too. Mine has a message from my husband in it.

But if you want the initals to be the form of the pendant, then I agree with Perlas. Find a good metalsmith.

Good luck
Hm... the modern engravable might be a tag pendant rather than locket (although folks wear those too) and a charm necklace or bracelet offered with a choice of charms would allow to pic the right initials. Just an idea.

Custom work is nice if you want to put the time and money... The task might be a tad tricky unless the folks do not do -from-the-scratch-custom, but rather assemble ready-made letters and call it so :rolleyes:
Hi Mike

How old is your little sis? I am guessing if she is under 30 she probably wouldnt appreciate a locket. I would go for a bracelet with the 2 letter charms on the fastener, that way you can get her a design she would like with the initials not so obvious, but still there for her to see.

Good Luck
She's 20. She's a tomboy, with some girly-girl mixed in. She might like a locket since she likes taking and looking at pictures, but I still would like to find something matching my original idea. I'm just stubborn that way :)
Hello mikehrz,

Here's a thought if you are brave--(just joking) I am a big QVC fan, they have a number of sterling necklaces where one can personalize a name, but can't see why you couldn't do just 2 letters (just like a nickname would have.) To check this out just go to, jewelry,personalized jewelry, necklaces, and there you go. One I especially liked was by Basch, J102807. You are right that lots with initials need 3 not 2 to fit their particular pendant. I do purchase a fair bit of sterling from QVC, and I am very picky, having worked retail fine jewelry at Nordstrom. Just a thought,

Hi Mike
You are a designer at heart aren't you? I like pattye's sugestion, but if you want a pendant with the letters, I'd interview a few silversmiths. There are several who have their own shops in Tucson and will do custom work, so I imagine LA would be even better.

In Tucson, I use an upscale pawnshop that sells estate jewelry in front and does repairs for other stores in their enormous workshop with several artisans hunched over jeweler benches with their big googles on, in back.

Go thru the yellow pages for big estate jewelry -ie "pawnshops" places that advertise doing repairs and call them first. They will execute any idea you have- such as the style of the letters and the level of 3-dimensionality you want (ie raised letters) for a decent price because they have no pretensions- I have found some designers who have propietery shops selling only their own wares charge far higher prices.
just to follow up

just to follow up

I got the item I ordered from the site in the previous post, and I must say I'm quite happy with it.

My cheap camera doesn't really do it justice, but there are some nice intricate details that I think she'll dig. :D The workmanship is quite good.