my goldens from the ruckus, finally


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2016
I finally strung my goldens that I got at the ruckus. The stones are Oregon sunstone:
The dress is made from a Japanese fabric with gold flecks:
And a close-up:
I feel like a princess wearing them!
Dazzling! All elements go so well together.

Where did you place your knots? They are very small...are they on either side of the sunstone?
Gorgeous necklace, Linda. Love that beautiful fabric, and the Oregon sunstone kicks everything up a notch. And, those Goldens, what a steal!
This is lovely, Linda! And your dress is the perfect backdrop for these beautiful pearls!!!
How gorgeous is that!?! The pearls and sunstone look so lovely together, and that fabric is divine ... well done, and congratulations Linda!
Wear your cheery goldens in good health! They look lovely on you.
This is a stunning necklace and the goldens are so lustrous. Beautiful combination with the sunstones.
Thank you, everybody! I've had the dress for quite a while, but it is nice to have the perfect necklace for it. I got the sunstones from Pattye, by the way. I knotted between each pearl/sunstone. The knots partly disappeared into the holes of the sunstones. The goldens are very lovely, and, yes, quite a lucky find. Even before I got them strung I kept getting them out and playing with them. Thank you!