My first pearls! (Jewelmer earrings)

I thought maybe you could get those starter pearls from Jewelmer, and then have them add pearls to the necklace as you go, but maybe they don't work that way :) No matter, it's a lovely goal to work toward, and your earrings are stunning!
I thought maybe you could get those starter pearls from Jewelmer, and then have them add pearls to the necklace as you go, but maybe they don't work that way :) No matter, it's a lovely goal to work toward, and your earrings are stunning!

I don't know if they would agree to that, and it might be more expensive to do it that way. Of course, you could buy a pendant from them and ask them to add on it in the future, but maybe the kind of cord and knotting required would be different. I've never tried asking if I could buy loose pearls from them.
All you need is a pendant to go with the earrings and you should be good until you can save for a strand. Just gorgeous!
All you need is a pendant to go with the earrings and you should be good until you can save for a strand. Just gorgeous!

the earrings are actually part of a set; there is a necklace too, the design similar to the earrings (the pendant drops from a heart).

well, Jewelmer is currently running a contest on social media, and the price is a pendant, so I'm crossing my fingers there :)
Saving up for an actual Jewelmer GSSP strand might require me to start looking for a better-paying job (keeping in mind my mom's strand cost her around $16k+)'s nice to have goals hehe
They look lovely on you, thanks for sharing.
How wonderful that you have a set! Just the kind of thing that I would wear daily. Enjoy! :)
Oh, sorry. Well, it is easier to purchase the pendant and a chain before getting a full strand. :)
That is true :) I've actually avoiding going into the shop again or else I might impulse-buy the pendant just to have a set (and while it matches the color of my earrings still haha).
I think going back into the shop again, and getting the pendant while it matches the color of your earrings is a VERY GOOD plan, LOL, Wyndslash ! See, we just love to help :)
If you like wearing pendants, then buying the matching pendant now while it is still available is a smart thing to do! You'll have a set to wear while you save for a strand.
You guys are too funny, but quite right. I would put the pendant on the payment plan and delay getting a strand to way out in the future. You never know -- someone might decide to get you a strand as a future gift... :)
You guys are bad for my wallet haha. Maybe I'll drop by one of these days and ask for tbe price hehe
It's dangerous here, Wyndslash :) But oh, so delightful ....
I wore them so much this week that when I took them out tonight, my ears bled! :( so scary and painful. I got my ears on antiseptic now, thinking if i need to wrap them in gauze but dunno how to do it. Ouch. Is there a trick to taking out earrings? You just pull, right? Haha maybe they were too tight.
You may have had them on too tight! I do this sometimes too bc I worry that the stud will fall off. I've gone to asking jewelers to use a thicker gauge for the post with a deeper ear nut groove so that when clicked into the groove, it would be less likely for the ear nut to fall off accidentally. I have long hair and it often gets tangled in my earrings. Normally, posts are 20 gauge, I usually ask for 16 gauge posts.
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