My first pearls! I got Freshadamas!


New Member
Dec 26, 2008
Hello to all! I've been lurking for awhile, and decided it was time to post. First, this is a great forum with amazing amounts of information. I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll have bunches to keep me busy for quite a while I'm sure.

Anyway, after reading there and here, I asked for three 1/2 drilled Freshadamas for my birthday. My husband, who loathes shopping, was thrilled to have such specific instructions, and happily ordered what I wanted. When I got them, I took some of my melee diamonds and marched into my favorite jewelers and had them make a pendant and ear charms for my little huggie earrings. They turned out so lovely, that I wear them pretty much every day now. Quite a change from a girl who once could only see "the OTHER white gem".;)

I've also got a 36" strand of Jeremy's FW peach baroques on order too.
Yep. I'm hooked. :o
Anyway, I hope these attach OK. I'll warn you now, I take lousy jewelry pics. But I'm going to try anyway!


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Thanks Pattye! And yes, I AM a quick least when it comes to any type of jewelry, which is a passion. The internet has made it so much easier to obtain the knowledge necessary to be an informed "pearl/diamond/whatever" obsessed person.;)

I've done a bit of wire wrap jewelry, a tiny bit of PMC stuff, and I do embroidery, although a very busy and rollercoasterish life has kinda keep me from those hobbies for awhile. Hopefully I can pick them back up. However, the point is, I have many of the tools already, and spools and spools of Au Ver a Soie 100/3 2 ply twisted filament silk get the idea. I'll probably be over in the Lowly Beaders forum pretty soon. I've barely scratched the surface there.

I'll be sure and take pics of the baroques when they come. I sent back a strand of the multicolors, not because they weren't lovely, but because the strand was a bit too short for me, and because I just wanted MORE!! I was going to get whites, but I just couldn't get over the glow of some of the peach ones in the strand, so I ordered a whole strand of peach. I don't know if they'll "blend" in like I've read....I AM a redhead. Oh well, who cares?? They're going to be gorgeous I don't doubt! Mmmmmm!!! Pearls!!!
Welcome ksinger3,
I agree with Pattye - you learn fast....:)
Those are beautiful pieces, thanks for the photos.
ksinger3, they are lovely! Glad to hear things worked out so well both for you and your husband :D Do show us the baroques when they come in. The peach freshadamas I bought from the PP sale last month really won me over on peach pearls. I hope you will love yours as much as I love mine!
Welcome to PG, and bewarned, pearls are VERY additive :D

I second that! Welcome aboard and um, even looking at pearls is addictive.


If time was money I'd already have all the pearls I'd ever want.
Buah hah ha! Too late for ksinger3 -- hopelessly addicted! Welcome to the forum. ;)
Thank you all for the warm welcome! And you're right - I AM addicted. And it happened so easily. I'd never thought of myself as a pearl girl before. How did it happen?? One minute I'm thinking, Oh, pearls are so June Cleaver, and the next I'm dying for strands and strands. Go figure. The internet is just fraught with perils...tsk. :rolleyes:;)
ksinger, are you by chance regularly on another forum having to do with another gem? ;-) My user name is too different here for you to recognize me, but I am here pearl shopping, too! I love the pieces you had made! So far, I just have the Freshadama earrings, but I want to order a long strand.
ksinger, are you by chance regularly on another forum having to do with another gem? ;-) My user name is too different here for you to recognize me, but I am here pearl shopping, too! I love the pieces you had made! So far, I just have the Freshadama earrings, but I want to order a long strand.

Indeed I am from the other forum. I didn't change my moniker too much. (Perhaps I should have?) I am there because I've managed to make contact with a few folks that I now call friend. But I find myself drawn more and more to pearls. More bang for the buck, and so much more variety!! I'm in awe!

Thanks for the compliments on my set. As you can see, the diamonds DID show up some, but they are only there for accent. And I too want a strand of Freshadamas. You have no idea (well, I suspect that isn't probably do have an idea) how much time I spend poring over those versus the baroques. Too many choices, and I want them all!
Karen, I love pearls, too! I am sorry we can't show them on the other forum! I did get a David Yurman Tahitian pendant for Christmas and it is beautiful! I have to be satisfied with pendants for Tahitians! Haha!

I originally came on here because I wanted to learn about quality in pearls and found that there is a lot to learn! But I am very happy with the top quality fresh-waters such as Freshadamas! I'd just sort of like to get them when they are on a special because I'll need two strands to make a 30" or so strand. I was maybe going with 26", but I have an old 30" strand and I really like wearing it with sweaters and more casual clothes. So I think I'll buy two 16" strands and combine them.
ksinger, are you by chance regularly on another forum having to do with another gem?

Quite a few PGers are either members or long time lurkers of a well known diamond forum ;)

DK :)
Karen, I love pearls, too! I am sorry we can't show them on the other forum! I did get a David Yurman Tahitian pendant for Christmas and it is beautiful! I have to be satisfied with pendants for Tahitians! Haha!

I originally came on here because I wanted to learn about quality in pearls and found that there is a lot to learn! But I am very happy with the top quality fresh-waters such as Freshadamas! I'd just sort of like to get them when they are on a special because I'll need two strands to make a 30" or so strand. I was maybe going with 26", but I have an old 30" strand and I really like wearing it with sweaters and more casual clothes. So I think I'll buy two 16" strands and combine them.

LOL! You're using my name, so you really do know me over there don't you? ;)

And I'm going to have to get me over to the beaders' forum right quick, as I see that I'm quickly going to be needing the input there. I plan to start work on my first necklace today.... I'll post pics when the blessed event occurs. By that you may all assume I forgot to mention that I have a strand of pearls of "I'm-not-dishing-yet" type that I purchased from "undisclosed-eBay-seller" and that I plan to put together very simply with round Swarovski crystals and seed beads. :o Yeah...I'm toast....
Welcome! For the life of me I can't understand why pearl discussion would be banned on the other board, but you are certainly going to enjoy it here!
LOL! You're using my name, so you really do know me over there don't you? ;)

:D Karen, I have never been on any gem type boards except this one, and even I know your name from that little signature line you have on your posts ;)
:D Karen, I have never been on any gem type boards except this one, and even I know your name from that little signature line you have on your posts ;)

Well, I'll be danged! I guess I DID do that didn't I? I think I did it last night some time. I've slept since then! :o But I dreamt of pearls...does that get me off the hook? ;)
Lol! That's why I was sure it was you!

Pearl Dreams, I think it is a shame that pearls are banned there, because many of us there are jewelry lovers in general, and that does include pearls! I don't have any inside information, but what I have heard is that early on, that forum had trouble with an influx of pearl vendors, and the board owners just decided to ban pearls since their focus is on (and income comes from) diamond vendors. The new owner at least allows bridal pearl pictures to be posted in the brides forum.

But, the bright side is that those of us who also love pearls can easily find our way over here!
Other forums??? :eek: You mean there are other forums besides this one?? lol

Forget about sleeping, once you get bit, that's it. I've been up at midnight a.m. HST posting, and see others (no names - CarolK) who are posting at 2 a.m. their time.

waiting to see what happens when I hit 500 posts. Today?